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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
Highway to Ewwwww Pt 3
Posted byPosted: Jun 26, 2013, 10:21pm
Who: Jaxx and Evelina
Where: In the swamp looking for a clue to access the Roo World.
Jaxx and Evelina were both clad in full black and blue MACO armor along with the helmets. Jaxx was holding one chain whip in his left hand as Evelina was holding a scanner in her right hand. They walked around the nasty boggy swamp in silence for an around an hour. Jaxx calmly observed the creatures of the swamp to see if any of them could be a problem. Evelina said, “Wow Jaxx these suits are amazing. I don’t feel the nasty swamp muck at all.” Jaxx answered, “They totally rock Eve babe. At first I was like afraid to wear it but now that I like have it on, it is totally awesome.”
Jaxx asked, “Hey Eve babe how will you know if you find something?” Evelina answered, “Well right now I am just looking for anything out of the ordinary. So far I am just picking up the creatures around us.” Jaxx said, “Well I guess the others haven’t found anything since they aren’t calling us or screaming.” Evelina giggled as they continued to search.
After three hours of searching Evelina said, “I think we need to take a break and check in with the others.” Jaxx replied, “Good idea Eve babe. The two GELFs had a quick snack and checked their equipment. As Jaxx was adjusting his pack he noticed the name plate on Evelina’s chest read “Stone”. Jaxx asked, “Hey Eve babe how did you get the name to change on your armor?” Evelina answered, “Easy Jaxx, you can change it on your forearm keypad. Oh did you know this suit has lights? Just push the light button on the forearm keypad.” Evelina turned the lights on her suit. Jaxx looked genuinely shocked as he said, “Wow Eve babe that is awesome.”
Then Evelina said, “Oh yeah I think I better check in with the others.” Evelina used her forearm communicator to contact the others but received no response. After a few more tries Evelina said, “Jaxx I am worried. Maybe we should head back and check on them.” Jaxx nodded as he answered, “Ok Eve babe.” Then the two GELFs started heading back to the shuttle, which was about three hours away. Suddenly they heard a semi-loud piercing scream in the far distance. Jaxx and Evelina looked at each other and bolted towards the sound.
Evelina asked as she ran, “Do you think the others are in trouble?” Jaxx answered while running, “Dunno Eve babe. But it didn’t sound good either way.” As Jaxx and Evelina ran full tilt Evelina lost her balance and headed right into a tree. Jaxx barely saw her trip out of the corner of his eye before he could turn around. As Jaxx looked around he couldn’t believe she disappeared. Jaxx prepared his chain as he whispered into his headset, “Eve babe? Where are you? Make a noise if you can.” Jaxx began to get upset as he couldn’t find Evelina.
Jaxx was up to the tree and looked at it. The tree looked funny to Jaxx as he stared at it. Jaxx rubbed his eyes and looked again to see the tree looked like water and rippled now and then. That’s weird as he touched it and made it ripple even more. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed his. Jaxx pulled the hand through the water tree and saw it was Evelina. Jaxx responded, “Wow Eve babe how did you do that?” Evelina replied, “I think we found the way in we are looking for.” Evelina tried to contact the others again but still got no response. Evelina thought for a second on what to do. Jaxx asked, “Hey Eve babe should we like go find the others?” Evelina replied, “If we do we might not find it again. We need to get them to come here.” Jaxx said, “Yeah to bad we can use that fancy gun Ms. Jones has. It really lights up the sky.” Evelina smiled as she said, “Great idea Jaxx we can use flares to show our location and light sticks to mark the tree.” Jaxx was confused as he said, “Umm sure Eve babe.”
Evelina removed her pack and pulled out some glow sticks, cracked them and shook them till they glowed. Then she handed them to Jaxx and said, “Jaxx help me decorate the tree with lights so the others can find it. Jaxx nodded and tied the glow sticks around the water tree as Evelina pulled out a flare gun and fired it straight into the air. Then she reloaded and waited till the flare was coming down and shot another flare into the air. Then as Jaxx finished his task he walked over to Evelina who was putting up her flare gun. Jaxx asked, ”What now Eve babe?” Evelina replied, “Well now we wait.”
Just then Jaxx felt something bad nearby as he turned and saw a huge reptilian humanoid jump from the swamp water and attack Evelina. Jaxx cut off the beast but lost his balance as he all three of them fell into the water tree and disappeared from the swamp.