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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

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Highway to Ewwwww Pt 2
Posted byPosted: Jun 25, 2013, 1:28pm
Where: On the Blue Dwarf
When: Before getting in the shuttle
Who: Jaxx and Evelina
Evelina led Jaxx around the vending machines and empty crew quarters as they scavenged for supplies and gear.
In one room previously owned by Alfredo Gomez Jaxx found a wide variety of Hawaiian shirts. Evelina giggled at Jaxx as she said, “I see you found something useful.” Jaxx smiled at Evelina and answered, “Totally babe. This dude had awesome taste in fashion and he was close to my size. Do you think it is cool to swipe his stuff Eve babe?” Eve babe nodded as she said, “I’m sure he won’t need where he has gone.” Jaxx took the shirts and put them in a nearby duffel bag to store in his room later. Jaxx then suggested they head to his lab for more gear.
After a good walk Jaxx and Evelina arrived in front of Jaxx’s hidden lab. Jaxx looked at the ground and then took a deep breath before sighing. Evelina looked at Jaxx and asked, “Jaxx we don’t have to…..” Jaxx interrupted Evelina as he said, “Thank you Eve babe, but we like totally need the stuff inside. I am just like nervous about showing you this part of my heinous past.” Evelina said, “Its ok Jaxx I already know what you did.” Jaxx nodded and said, “I know Eve babe, but its different when you see those wicked videos. I have never felt so totally ashamed and uncool.” Evelina put her hand on Jaxx’s shoulder and said, “I will respect your privacy till you are ready.” Jaxx looked sadly at Evelina and said, “Thanks Eve babe you’re the best.”
Then Jaxx said, “Holly dude open up please.” Holly answered, “Sure thing dude.” As the door opened Evelina was amazed by how clean the lab was and how much stuff was still in tact. As they walked in Jaxx led Evelina to the small stasis box containing his purple meds. Jaxx opened the door and removed four syringes of purple serum and showed them to Evelina. Evelina asked, “Isn’t that the stuff I gave you before?” Jaxx answered, “Sure is Eve babe. I am sure we will need them on this mission. I wanted to show you where I keep them in case you need to like find them and stuff.” Evelina smiled at Jaxx and said, “Thanks Jaxx. Is their anything else we can use here?”
Jaxx nodded as he said, “Totally Eve babe, check out the lockers over there. They like have all sorts of gear in them.” Jaxx led Evelina to the lockers and opened the one next to his to reveal all sorts of weapons, survival gear and MACO armor as he said, “Like help yourself Eve babe.” Evelina examined all the contents of the lockers nearby as Jaxx stared solemnly at his MACO armor before sighing. Evelina looked at Jaxx and asked, “Jaxx you don’t need to do anything your not comfortable with.” Jaxx continued to stare at the armor as he answered, “Thanks Eve babe, but I like can’t let my past control my decisions. We are totally heading for a smack down and I like can’t afford to like be unprepared and stuff.
Jaxx reached in and pulled out his MACO armor and proceeded to suit up. Jaxx instinctively knew how to put on his armor and it fit like a glove on his body. Then Jaxx reached into the locker and pulled out a small metal box designed like a pencil case. Then Jaxx opened it up and placed his syringes in it, closed it and attached it to his belt clips. He looked up and said, “Holly dude can you like please check my suit for problems and stuff?” Holly’s floating head appeared on Jaxx’s left forearm and answered, “Sure due. Hmmmmm……everything looks to be in order. I see you’re still serious about no guns. Are you sure that is wise?” Jaxx looked at Holly’s face and answered, “Prolly not Holly dude, but it is the rule of the Calimar Monks. I will just have to work like with what I got.” Holly asked are you aware of all your suit functions?” Jaxx shook his head and answered, “Naww bro. I was kinda hoping you could fill in the blanks.”
Evelina got curious and walked over to listen to Holly and Jaxx. Holly then projected himself in a 3D hologram from the projector above them in the room. Holly then made a 3D model of the MACO suit next to him for a reference. Then Holly said, “Well dudes as you can see the MACO armor suit was designed for combat. I won’t bore you with the tech stuff but it is very light and can take three direct his from a bazookiod before rendering it useless. It is very resistant to regular ammo rounds since it was designed against kinetic weapons, but some areas of the suit are vulnerable to blade attacks. So be careful from swords, spears and knives at close range. Since your DNA has been altered Jaxx, you can no longer use your repair nanites, but as you have realized you can use your MACO cocktails. However you should limit yourself to just one per day, because it does put a strain on your body and can cause organ damage and a few unknown side effects. The suit is adjustable as long as the person wearing it is between is with in a foot shorter or taller than Jaxx. An undamaged suit can be used in space or under water if an oxygen tank is added to the adjustable port in the back, however MACOs don’t need the oxygen tank underwater since they are aquatic. When you are underwater there are slits in the armor to allow the MACO to expose their fins and gills. You also have several clips on the suit to attach weapons and gear to it. A damaged suit can be fixed by dunking it into the tank over there so the in-house nanites can repair it. Now that completes your training on the MACO armor.”
Then Jaxx attached his Hollowhip holster to his back and rolled his chains like whips to attach to his belt on both sides as Evelina went back to gathering the gear she wanted. Jaxx reached into the locker and removed a combat knife that he sheathed into the built in holster on his leg armor. As he looked in his locker he saw some snacks and a MACO backpack. After removing the backpack he filled it with some snacks, glowsticks and flares he found in the locker and the during the scavenge hunt. See how he had to come back later Jaxx hung the Hawaiian shirts in his locker. Jaxx grabbed his helmet and turned to Evelina and asked, “Find what you are looking for?” If you like want to wear the armor, Holly dude said it is adjustable. He can show you and stuff.”
After Evelina suited up and packed her weapons and gear they headed for the shuttle.
Jade's post:
At her quarters, she changed into something tatty and old. No telling how much swamp water was going to get on her clothes. She checked her field kit. Several small crystsls, self igniting charcoal disks, various dried herbs. Bandages, anti-septic wipes, needles, thread, bottle of water. The list went from the weird to the mundane. It also included the usual smeg that a woman would have in her handbag. It was heavy, and it was hefted at someone there was a great chance it would do some serious damage.
She was half way to the shuttle bay to wait for the others when her beeper went off. A brief glance showed her the worst. She turned and pelted towards the medical bay at full speed.
Jaxx and Evelina saw Jade running from the hanger as they were entering it. Evelina asked, "Jaxx do you think.....?" Jaxx cut Evelina off as he said, "I'm sure the Doc and Cass have it covered Eve babe. We just like have to focus on the next mission and stuff." Evelina gave Jaxx a concerned nod as they headed for the shuttle. Once on board the shuttle Jacky was already on board with a stack of books. Jacky's eyes bulged out when he saw Jaxx and Evelina in matching MACO armor. Jacky managed to mutter, "I see you both are accessorizing now, does that mean you couldn't find any matching Hawaiian shirts?" Jaxx answered, "Huh? Accessor-what?" Evelina gave Jacky a cross look as she said, "Ignore him Jaxx he is being rude." Jaxx shrugged his shoulders and headed to the back of the shuttle with Evelina. Jacky was a little bummed when he realized his joke was not as funny as he pictured it. While waiting for the others Evelina adjusted the communications so they could switch between just the two of them and the whole group, before showing Jaxx how it worked.
*** Swamp ***
The Starbug touched down. Then prodeded to sink several feet into the muddy ground. The landing stairs deployed with a sploosh, covering the unfortunate people in the doorway to be covered in mud, water and other... swampy things.
"Right, split up into groups and start searching. Stay in radio contact and if you find anything let me know. We are running out of time people. Let's hussle."
"You know you sound a lot like him wheh you talk like that." Katrina braved a smile at Cass.
"Yeah. Someone has to do it." Cass said, her mask of impeneterable grouch briefly cracking to show an amount of pride. "Let's go."
Jaxx and Evelina checked their communicators on their forearms before moving out. Evelina pulled out her scanners to see what she could find as Jaxx kept an eye out for anything moving.