Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Molly Willis

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
Back to Life
Posted byPosted: Jun 17, 2013, 6:13pm
After recovering from a 36-hour movie marathon with Evelina, Jaxx crashed hard on the floor. He woke up alone in the room when the skutters were cleaning up the left over food on the floor. Jaxx slowly realized he was covered with a blanket and his head was on a soft pillow. Jaxx thought to himself, "Thanks Eve Babe. Your the best." As Jaxx slowly stood up to stretch a video message was triggered from the monitor. Evelina’s voice message said, “Hey Jaxx if you are hearing this it means you woke up before I got back. Thanks for last night. Movie night is always more fun with company. Anyways I’m going to check in with Ms. Jones to see how Dr. Black is doing and what we will be doing for our next mission. So get some grub and do your training and I’ll call you when something comes up. And Jaxx try not to over do it again you look a bit silly with lash marks all over you.” After the message Jaxx stretched and washed his face he went back to pick up some food then headed to the training room.
Several days later Jaxx came to a crew meeting and waited for Evelina who was running late.
"This..." Jacky said "Is cool."
Molly gave him a look of confusion.
"You've been going on about how all the deadly missions and adventure has driven you mad." she said "What's cool about this?"
"I just want to talk to one of the Roo, is all. Even if I can't, I just want to see them! Imagine it, a being where time has no effect. I wish White Wolf had told me about them sooner. I have so many questions!" Jacky responded with glee. "Not just about time, but everything! Imagine the advanced science these guys must understand! I could get an answer to the Schrödinger's Cat paradox!"
"The what?" Molly asked.
"It's my favorite paradox! See, it outlines a situation with a cat in a box, and inside that box is a vial of poison, and there's a 50/50 chance of--" Jacky began.
"What about cats?" Jaxx asked, noticing Jacky.
"Schrödinger's Cat." Jacky repeated "It's a-"
"That's a dumb name for a cat." Jaxx said.
Jacky looked at him.
"I suppose it is." Jacky said. "So as I was saying, these Roo are going to be amazing. That is, if they don't kill us first."
Cass heard this, and was rather annoyed by him.
"What makes you think that?" she asked.
"They're a super species. They're probably geniuses. They're older than any other living being ever..." Jacky said. "And if there's one thing a species can figure out with that much free time, it's how to kill something properly, and these guys don't seem to like company."
Cass tried to speak, but was cut off.
"Now if you'll excuse me..." Jacky said. "I have some books to bring on the trip."
"The trip won't be that long." Cass said.
"I know. I'm bringing the worst books I own, so they can be destroyed when we get blown up."
Evelina showed up late and asked Jaxx, “Sorry I am late. What did I miss?” Jaxx answered, “Well we are going to another totally scary place with radically smart Roo things and Goggles is excited about burning some books.” Evelina shook her head as she said, “That guy is weird.” Molly nodded as she agreed with Evelina and said, “I think he is loosing it.”
“Theres bound to be a blind spot” Katrina said. “Look..theres a network of satellites surrounding the planet. My guess is that they’re what are running the security field. After 3 million years, some of their orbits are bound to have deteriorated, some have probably even crashed and opened a hole in the net…”
“Not likely.” White Wolf said “Roo technology…it’s superior to anything else”
“But it can’t be infallible.”
“No, but how do we find a gap in the network…”
“We keep chucking probes at it til one finds it way through”
“We don’t have that many probes to spare” Cass said.
“Then, we remote pilot some of the old bugs and midgets in too…theres a ton on the landing bay that will fly once me, Jamie, Pancake and Solvay patch ‘em up a bit…., maybe throw in a few escape pods too…it’s not like we have a full crew, we can spare them…”
“I dunno Kat…” Cass said “We could use the shuttles…”
“Come on, we have scores of the things, for a handful of us. Most, will never be able to take people again anyway…why not put ‘em to good use huh?...And what use could be better than saving Jay?”
Jaxx raised his hand till he finally got the attention of White Wolf. White Wolf asked, "What is it Jaxx?" Well I don't really understand some of what you are saying but why don't you like use rocks like the ones flying in space? This way you totally don't break all the ships." The crew stared at Jaxx blankly as he waited for an answer.