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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Molly Willis
Oh what books will he bring
"This..." Jacky said "Is cool."
Molly gave him a look of confusion.
"You've been going on about how all the deadly missions and adventure has driven you mad." she said "What's cool about this?"
"I just want to talk to one of the Roo, is all. Even if I can't, I just want to see them! Imagine it, a being where time has no effect. I wish White Wolf had told me about them sooner. I have so many questions!" Jacky responded with glee. "Not just about time, but everything! Imagine the advanced science these guys must understand! I could get an answer to the Schrödinger's Cat paradox!"
"The what?" Molly asked.
"It's my favorite paradox! See, it outlines a situation with a cat in a box, and inside that box is a vial of poison, and there's a 50/50 chance of--" Jacky began.
"What about cats?" Jaxx asked, noticing Jacky.
"Schrödinger's Cat." Jacky repeated "It's a-"
"That's a dumb name for a cat." Jaxx said.
Jacky looked at him.
"I suppose it is." Jacky said. "So as I was saying, these Roo are going to be amazing. That is, if they don't kill us first."
Cass heard this, and was rather annoyed by him.
"What makes you think that?" she asked.
"They're a super species. They're probably geniuses. They're older than any other living being ever..." Jacky said. "And if there's one thing a species can figure out with that much free time, it's how to kill something properly, and these guys don't seem to like company."
Cass tried to speak, but was cut off.
"Now if you'll excuse me..." Jacky said. "I have some books to bring on the trip."
"The trip won't be that long." Cass said.
"I know. I'm bringing the worst books I own, so they can be destroyed when we get blown up."