Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
There were a few moments of silence. The station creaking and groaning as it settled into its new, stable orbit, the gentle humming of the power systems and air filtration. No screams, no sounds of anguish.
No one moved.
No one dared to believe it was over.
"Right then." Cass said, moving back over to Jade. She adjusted the kit she had set up, so that it was in line with the patient now she had slid several ungainly feet across the deck. Katrina was busy adjusting the final movements of the station, Jaxx and Evelina were securing Phil-Queeg (Pheeg? Quil?). Across the station the others were slowly freed and normality was returning. An agitated, 'what's around the next corner trying to kill us?' normality, still, normality for the Dwarfers.
Initially, Jade thought she was dead. The dim awareness of consciousness sharpened by the pain and anguish pushed forwards in her mind. It convinced her that this was not infact any afterlife, as bad nasty things didn't happen in the afterlife she belived in. It all flooded back and she sat bolt upright. Cass had been ready for a reaction and stopped Jade from sitting up too far. Jade's heart rushed in a fluttery light way, her head span and she made a small quiet noise.
"Nope. Down." Cass said simply. Keeping the command short so that it filtered into the confused brain. Jade, hearing the female voice and not that of Queeg lay back down. Her various wounds cracking and popping as she moved, causing fresh waves of agony. She made a strangled grunting noise as she lay down putting pressure onto the scalded skin on her back. She could smell burnt flesh and was pretty sure that something had fried every nerve in her body. The world was blurry and out of focus. Her tounge felt thick and talking wasn't going to happen. Doctor Black closed her eyes as the world started to swim and pitch.
"Wurgh?" A strangled, garbled question and statement.
"Yeah, you're alive... Just." Cass said, checking the monitors and scanners.
"Eerr un?" Another question, Jade felt like all of her skin was trying to set on fire or crawl off her body, she wasn't sure which. Cass looked up at the Doctor, trying to devine the answer from her face.
"Yeah, you got us all out too." She said hesitating, the answer that she hoped Jade wanted. Jade made an exhausted relieved noise and squirmed as Cass gently prodded her with a scanner.
"Hurts. Stop." She mumbled, speech returning slowly, cognitive function struggling to keep up. Trying to crawl away from the prodding disite her wounds.
"Stay still or I'll not be able to get this right. You could end up with two noses." Cass grumbled, her bedside manner grating against the Doctor's unwillingness to be a patient. Jade made a strangled, surprised noise and weakly batted Cass away.
"Calm down, it was a joke. The longer you squirm the longer it'll take to get right."
"Funny." She grumbled. Her brain was struggling to process all of the information being fired at it. A large portion of processing power being taken up by pain. She was torn between the desire to escape being a patient and the agony caused by the thought of moving to escape.
"I have to scan you. Make sure that your DNA is in their systems. You want to keep your old scars?" Cass was in technical mode, looking down at the cobbled together equipment. Jade stopped, the marks on her wrists were a part of who she was. If it hadn't been for what he did then they would have never found the cancer.
"Leave the ones on my wrists. The hysterectomy scars can go." Jade said calmly, almost dismisivly. "If it codes to DNA, just make sure that they don't code back in the cancer."
"Easy." Cass said, tapping at the pad.
"It won't remove my tattoo?" A sudden paniced thought, the tattoo that she had got when she first met Abby in London. Friendship tatoos the dark haired girl had called them, Jade eagerly agreed, having always wanted one.
"Tattoo?" Cass queried, looking up. Jade shuffled uncomfortably on the metal floor and grimacing, turned enough so that Cass got a look at her scalded shoulder. Looking she was able to see the rose through the red angry skin.
"It's a Black Jade..." The Doctor said, "Abby thought it was a great idea..." She leant back down again as Cass smirked. The effort having exhausted her for the moment. A wave of dizzyness and a hot prickly feeling coursed though Jade. Her heart fluttering unsteadilly again.
"I'll make sure they touch that up too." Cassandra looked up at Jade, concern flashing briefly through her features.
"I lost a lot of blood..." Her vision began to grey and tunnel. "I'm going to black out again now."