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View character profile for: Yasmin Melissa Adimar
Yasmin wiped the wet hair out away from her eyes, and looked around. Nothing was moving. No-smegging-thing.
And then it spoke.
“This is your test.”
Something flashed in the darkness shortly, and she spun around to see a parade of grinning clowns stomping after her. Yasmin screamed.
She couldn’t stand clowns. The smeggers freaked her out, big time.
“Must be some old glitch. JMC smegheads.”
They came closer.
And closer.
And closer.
She ran.
Jaxx quickly grabbed the chains binding Phil's body and held him down as he said, "I don't like know what your damage is bro but Mrs. Jones wants you to behave." After Jaxx regained control of Phil's body he noticed a small device that fell out of Queeg/Phil's clothing. Jaxx examined the device closely. It resembled a tv remote control that Holly showed him back at on the ship. Jaxx broke his concentration when Cass, Katrina and Evelina were trying to figure out why the ship was not working for them. As they argued over what to do Jaxx looked up at them and raised his hand as he said, "Ummm I like found something."
Jaxx was ignored so he waved his hand from side to side to catch their attention. Evelina saw Jaxx waving at them and stopped to ask, "What is it Jaxx?" Cass and Katrina were still worked up as they paused to see what was so important that Jaxx had to interrupt. Jaxx held up the remote control and said, "The Queeg dude dropped this." Cass looked at the control and quickly took it from Jaxx to examine it.
A rainbow army of Care Bears shuffled their way down a strawberry golden field of buttercups. Yasmin almost choked on the insensitive bike that was coursing up her throat, and ran further, until she was halted again.
Then, just like magic, she realised what this smegging ‘test’ was.
It was her dreams.