Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler
Fight or Flight
She first became aware that it was dark. The awareness of being alive filtered into her brain. Second came the awareness of the dank rusty stale air of the room she was in. Cautiously she opened her eyes, it was dimly lit by flickering lighting, as if the station couldn't cope any more and was dying around her. She felt the chains around her wrists and a sinking panic filled her whole being, she struggled and pulled, the loose manacles biting in as she pulled. Her midrif burned as if she had been stabbed, she noticed a thin line of neat stitching across an old scar near her hips. It was then that she noticed that she had also been stripped to her underwear.
She looked about, seeing only one door out of the room, scrawled with the words 'Fight or Flight?' in a gaudy red paint that looked like dried blood. Feeling slightly lightheaded at the realisation that it was most likely her own dried blood. She yanked on the chains again. Several monitors flickered around the room and hummed into life.
"Hello Doctor Black. I would like to play a game. You are here because of your desire to help those in need. You went to school, you passed exams all because of your desire to fix that which is broken. You cling to life despite your past and have fought for everything you have. You rebelled against those who hurt your friends in the past. You have struck out and sacrificed to help those in need." The distorted head filled each screen, a caricature toy of Phil riding a purple dinosaur. The nametag of Queeg hung around the doll's neck.
"How much are you willing to give? How much are you willing to sacrifice to save your friends?" The growling distorted voice echoed through speakers on the monitors.
"There are some rules to this game. You have a choice to make. You can do nothing, go against your instincts to save, and trust in the inginuity of your colleages to help themselves. Or you can fight for them, play the game and help them to freedom. The choice is yours Doctor Black, but understand that for every person you help to save, you will have to sacrifice something."
<Jamie Snip>
The monitors flickered and showed each person in their own special trap, designed and built by Queeg. Jaxx struggled with the weight attached to him and blood seeped down his arms. Evelina thrashed about in her bonds, trying to loosen them enough to get free. Cass and Katrina chained together, a sparking electrical line nearby. The timer ticking down on Jamie's screen, sweat and oil streaking on his face, unable to locate the problem. Below each person was a second monitor and a view of an object out of their sight and reach, a breathing mask, a pair of keys, a schematic diagram.
The timer ticked down.
The water rose higher.
The electrical arm swung closer.
Jade wailed as she knew that she would have to escape her chains before she could even find how to help the others. Recreating the feat that she had nearly done all those years ago in her appartment. She looked at the monitors, her face twisted in fear and the feeling of helpless dispair. She couldn't let them die, she couldn't let them kill each other. She just couldn't sit by.
The timer ticked down.
The water rose higher.
The electrical arm swung closer.
"Help! Let me out!" She wailed, utter dispair pulling on the manacles holding her in. The sound of her voice echoed around the room as the iron cut into her skin. She felt the horrible and familiar reminder of blood dripping down her arms from the cuts in her wrists. Unbidden tears began to stream down her face as she struggeld and pulled and tore the skin from her wrists. She grimaced in pain, resisiting the urge to shut down and stop feeling, to hide inside till it all went away. People, her colleageues and friends were relying upon her to be strong and to succede.
The timer ticked down.
The water rose higher.
The electrical arm swung closer.
The blood seeped down her wrists, excruciating pain like nothing she had felt slammed into her body. She finally wriggled, blood soaked hands and arms slipping free with a wet ripping sound as she cut herself down the the muscles. She screamed in agony as she got free, weeping and unable to cradle her wrists due to the pain. She struggled to her feet, staggering towards the door and her second test.
OOC - Feel free to utilise the help on offer and I'll post about Jade doing her tasks as well. I can use snips when you do use the help. Please do! I have a trap for each of you! Nanites will make it all go away, although you might find me a jibbering wreck at the end. Likewise, if you don't want the help, I'll just post failing and physicaly maim myself less. :D
Any questions?
I've watched most of the Saw films, not saying they are good, but very clever films they way they all link together (and super gross in some places. Damned Horror Porn.). Favourite traps include The Pig Vat and The Needle Pit (or maybe the whole series of Saw V ones where they should work together but don't, morons.).