Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Comas, Coffees and Corridors
As they entered the Medical Bay, Jade ordered Jay put onto one of the more advanced medical beds. She set the controls to automatically cool, like being in an ice bath. Opening cabinets and drawers she busies herself fixing up drips and a cocktail of drugs to induce a medical coma and keep Jay out of it and out of pain. Hooking up the drip to the stand she slipped the needle under his skin and into a vein. It wasn't long before he stopped deteriorating quite as quickly.
Jaxx winced in pain for a second. Evelina then looked in the first aid kit and found some aspirin. She looked at the dosage for weight before giving Jaxx six of them and some water. Jaxx took the pills and then sat up. Evelina asked, "What are you doing?" Jaxx smiled as he whispered, "I'm fine Eve babe. Lets like go get some grub before we go to crash. Evelina help Jaxx up and to the Refectory."
"Please Jaxx, I'll only be a moment, take a seat and I'll look at your wounds." Jade paused and looked over to Cass. "You be OK for a moment?"
"Yeah, unless you know anything about magnetic induction coils and electromagnetism." She scowled. Jade knew this was a tough thing for her to be doing, so she put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll not be long." She put on a new pair of sterile gloves and peeled off the bandages. Not bad Ms Stone, field first aid training?" She asked, busying herself with talk to keep the giant shark creature distracted.
"Yeah, something like that." Evelina blushed. Doctor Black injected some local anaesthetic into the wound areas and neatly stitched up the worst of them, applying medical glue to the others. She re-applied antiseptic creams and bandaged up Jaxx.
"That'll be better now. It shouldn't scar too much. It will fade over time. Take it easy, come back in a few days time for me to take a look for infections. After about two to three weeks, you can get the stitches out." She smiled and walked over to a cupboard under the reception desk, the only desk in the room. Grabbing something small she grinned and placed it on Jaxx' jacket.
"What's that for Doc?" He asked, trying to peer at it. After craning his neck enough he was able to see the sticker of a cartoon fish with a broken fin.
"For being a good boy. Now go get some rest and I'll see you in a few days?" She winked.
"Most righteous Doc!" He smiled, and with Evelina's help hobbled out.
It was a few more hours later that Cass and Jade were finally convinced that Jay was stable. Katrina had gone to get something to eat many hours ago, urged (well, more dragged out of a frustrated Cassandra's way) by Whitewolf. Jade assured her that he would be OK and that she should come back in the morning.
"I suspect I'm going to get some visitors this evening Cass. I'll hang about for a bit and make sure that everything is OK here." She paused as Cass was leaving she said. "Thanks, I couldn't have done this without you. If you need to talk... If you need a friend... I'll be either here or in my quarters ok?" She stressed the word friend and smiled at Cass.
"Yeah. I know. Thanks." Cass paused, and closed her eyes. "Thanks Doc." She said and left in the direction of the refectory. Jade followed into the corridor far enough to order coffee and a sandwich from a nearby vending machine.
The coffee was strong and black, just what she needed at, she looked at the clock, just gone midnight. As Jade suspected it wasn't long before she got her next visitor. Jamie appeared at what she suspected was closer to unsocial than normal. One look at his cradled hand and she knew why he was there.
"Please take a seat Mr Eastlick. At some point I am going to need to do a full compliment of medical tests and scans on you. You aren't in our system yet." She fetched more sterile bandages, wash and antiseptics.
"Yeah? It's been so long I probably do need a check up." He looked worried.
"Don't worry it doesn't hurt." she picked up the wash and paused. "This might sting a bit though." She flushed the debris out of the wound and dried it off. Antiseptic cream and bandages later and Jamie was also all done.
"Thanks Jade." He said "Now I have a vending machine to fix!"
"Ok, but please do come back for those tests at some point soon." She smiled weaker now as the tiredness was setting in. Just after Jamie left she yawned, sitting down in the comfy desk chair behind the reception/ward desk. The monitoring systems around Jay's bunk beeped and the systems helping him to breathe shushed in and out. Normal noise. She sighed and leaned back in the chair.
She woke up with a start as she began to topple out of the chair.
"Gah!" Was all that she managed, grasping the edge of the desk and jolting awake. She looked at the clock. Two am. She checked Jay's vitals, noted it down on his charts and left the medical bay for her own quarters and sleep.
It was on her way there that she was fairly nearly knocked over by what she at first thought was a drunken idiot.
“Hi Doc Torjade.”
“Wow. You’re not looking so hot, there…” His face fell into an exaggeratedly affronted expression.
“… Rude.” Is all he managed in retort. She gave him a shrewd look.
“You all right?”
“Yip.” He thought about it. “Actually, no. I’ve been meaning to ask. I need you.” Her brow lifted. He pulled his sweater up and displayed his stomach.
“My staples. Can you take ‘em out?” Before she could answer, he bent to her ear. “Not now” he whispered. “I’m a bit drunk.”
“Really?” He missed the sarcasm and pinched an invisible segment of air.
“Li’l bit.” And then, without waiting for an answer, he wandered unsteadily off down the corridor.
She rounded the corner before a loud crash and a string of slurred, what she assumed were expletives accosted her senses. She sighed and turned around, swiftly catching up to the supine Alex Solvay.
"Mr Solvay, do you need a hand?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and looking down at where he had fallen over his own feet.
"Na, sok got two." He grinned stupidly, clapping to demonstrate. Jade closed her eyes, and exhaled pointedly for what she thought was another one of far too many times this night.
"Come here." She grabbed him by his wrists and yanked him to his feet. He wasn't expecting the sudden motion and almost toppled forwards onto his face, falling into Jade.
"Oops. Sorry Doc Torjade." The inebriated engineer stumbled back a few paces, then forward a few before finally deciding that he was stable again.
"You sure you are ok?" Alex pulled a face, the face only a drunken man can do when asked that question by a woman. She checked her bag as she waited for him to think about it. Yep, asprin and an anti-sickness tablet. He'd need those in the morning.
"Yepfine." Was his final answer.
"Liar." She smirked, and slipped under his arm, the size difference meaning that he was pretty much using her as a crutch. "Lets get you home"
<Tag ;) >
OOC - Jaxx! Is Frankie based of Snagglepuss? As he talks in a very similar way! :D