
“I was.” Chrysler said more adamantly, but Seymour ignored him.
“Mr Febuggure” Seymour called, and gestured for him to go with Jay and Jaxx. “I don't want your horrific bodily odours to damage negotiations with the Ssala. Can you go with them please?”
Phil sulked his head, and trudged over to Jaxx and Jay, and all three headed off towards the Haruk slaver, making sure they remained in the cover of the trees.

Jay and Phil shook there heads at Seymour then looked at Jaxx who looked confused. Jay rubbed his chin as he muttered, "Lets see.....How are we gonna get the jump on the Haruk?" Phil then spoke up and said, "Well we could use some bait?" Both Jay and Phil looked at each other and then at Jaxx with an evil smile. Jaxx was taken back as he said, "BAIT? Hey man that's not cool or funny bro. I mean look at him hes a huge killing machine. What do you you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?"

Next thing you know Jaxx and Phil are walking in grass skirts to surprise the Haruk from behind the trees. Phil pushed a reluctant Jaxx out in the open and then jumps out as he yelled, "LUAO!" Then Jaxx and Phil broke out into song.

Phil singing
"If your hungry for a hunk of fat, juicy meat?
Eat my my buddy Jaxx because he is a treat
Come and dine ont this tasty swine.
All you have to do is get in line.
Are you aching?

Jaxx Singing
Yep Yep Yep

Phil singing
For some bacon?

Jaxx Singing
Yep Yep Yep

Phil singing
He's a big pig!

Jaxx Singing
Yep Yep

Phil singing
And you can be a big pig too! Hoooaaahhhh!

The Hurak looked at Jaxx and Phil oddly then dropped his prisoner and began chasing after Jaxx and Phil. Jaxx and Phil screamed as they ran back towards where Jay and Davie were hiding.

<What happens next?>

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