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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Jay and Katrina, sittin' on a tree...
Posted byPosted: Mar 25, 2013, 7:37pm
“He's one for the ladies..” Jay said, sitting down on a fallen log next to Katrina.
“Can't imagine where he gets it from” she replied. Max was currently running between Phi and Molly, giggling loudly.
“So.” Jay said “Good news, I can get hurt again”
“ mean?”
“Uh-huh” Jay smiled “I dunno if it's the EM field, my immune system or deliberate action by the STCP but I feel great, the nano-phage has least for now!”
“That's great!” Katrina beamed throwing her arms around her estranged husband.
“Well..” Jay said “I don't know if it will last, neither Cass nor Phi can exactly study the nano-bots here, but the signs are looking good.”
“I'm so sorry Jay...for everything, not just the virus...I...I should have trusted you...”
“Meh.” Jay scoffed “You were manipulated.”
“That's not the point. You're my husband. I married you because I love you. I should have known you weren't capable of what they said you'd done.”
“That's the first time you've referred to us in the present tense.”
“It was always present tense Jay. If I didn't love you, do you think I'd have been so pissed? Til Death do us part we said. Neither of us are dead yet.”
“Well no...though official records would have us think otherwise...”
“And we DID get married in a hotel on Caesars Planet in the Vega system...those things don't count for anything...” Jay smirked, ignoring the loud splash coming from the lake, that sounded as though someone had space-dived from orbit into it.
“Oh is that right?” Katrina said “Then I guess I'd better not do this...” she leant over, and kissed Jay, pushing him backward, so they both fell off the log onto the grass where they rolled over and embraced each other properly for the first time in six centuries, seven decades or 300 millenia, depending on your point of view.
Jay stopped kissing his wife.
“Wait...” he said “Theres something you need to know. Underground, we found an EM pulse generator...looks like it's what's stopping our tech from working...”
“I intend to destroy it..”
“But that might reactivate the virus!” Katrina said, rolling off of Jay and lay beside him
“Yeah...but it'll also get us off the isn't safe here for Max...those creatures...we'd struggle to fight them even if we HAD guns...”
“What did Cass say?”
“She doesn't think.....wait.....where IS Cass anyway...”
“Haven't seen her in hours...look, she and I are friends now, but you're kinda killing the moment..”
“I'm serious...something happened down in the caves and...”
A guttural roar was heard, and up from the ground burst several of the blue creatures, who charged toward the assembled group. They glanced over toward the lake for a split second, as though someone had shouted at them, but quickly turned their attention toward their more immediate, and dryer, prey.