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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
Greetings Stranger part 2
Posted byPosted: Mar 24, 2013, 10:25am
OOC - Compost you posted the same thing twice.
" It's a shame you don't remember." Evelina said, she gave him the once over. "Your thing with the squid sounds cool as well but I'm afraid my story isn't as cool." She looked down and realized she was still in the burnt out astro suit. " I was awoken from stasis today on Blue Dwarf to be told that there had been a toxic gas leak so I had to jump out of an air lock in a space suit and kind of hope it was one of the newer ones that could withstand entering an atmosphere." She paused and looked down again. " luckily it was but I landed in the lake over there and well here I am now. I don't know why I was woken from stasis but I think the ships computer Holly said something about the gas effecting the chamber." She looked over at Jaxx who was just standing there listening.
Jaxx was so focused on Evelina's story that after she finished he was waiting for more. After an awkward pause Jaxx spoke said, "That was so narley. You free-falled from a spaceship in space into a lake to find us. That is sooooooo awesome. I wish I could do stuff like that. All I can do is swim and breath underwater really good. Maybe one day I will learn more stuff like you. So do you remember anything before you woke up?"