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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)
Greetings Stranger
Posted byPosted: Mar 24, 2013, 9:10am
Evelina held out her hand and said "Evelina, pleased to meet you Jaxx."
She stared at Jaxx "May I ask what you were doing Jaxx? Only you seemed absorbed in something." Jaxx turned "Er it was ... I was just practising something." Evelina watched and lifted an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "So how did you lose your memory? Or don't you know how?" She looked at him and gave a smile.
Jaxx gently shook Evelina's hand and said, "That is such a killer name. It is so awesome to meet ya." Jaxx paused and rubbed his chin and tried to remember with no success. Then Jaxx answered, "Sorry I just don't know. It's like my mind was totally cleansed of all my good and bad deeds. The Doc told me the only clue to this bodacious mystery is a crazy looking dart I was holding when I was out of it. But that's ok cause I met these these righteous crew-mates and Franky da Squid. Oh check this out Franky totally filled my mind with lessons on being a Calamar Monk. I'm still an Apprentice dude so I'm not as awesome as he is, but I'm training hard and eaten my veggies so one day I'll make him proud." Then Jaxx paused before thinking again. Then Jaxx said,"Oh I'm totally sorry Eve babe I am totally hogging this cosmic conversation. Please enlighten me with your amazing tale of heroism." Jaxx smiled as he waited for Evelina to tell him a story.