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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau
Rampant speculation
Cass, perhaps you could give the others a short training session on how to make some simple hand to hand weapons from the materials we've got nearby, since Candy & I won't need it. If Jay and the others comes back, fill them in, alright?"
"Who put you in charge?" Came back Cass with a touch of rebelliousness.
"I'd like to think good 'ole survival did, sweetie. Plus, I was a real crab-cake of a Blue Dwarf Captain before Jay was." Remarks the mammoth hamster before stalking off into the underbrush followed by Candace.
“Huh!?” Cass frowned as White Wolf disappeared “What’s a smegging crab-cake of a Captain?”
She turned to regard the other members of the crew in confusion
“What’s that meant to mean? Did he smell strangely of fish? Was he good? Was he shit? What?”
“Dunno” Alex mumbled thickly, massaging his forehead with one hand “Looks like you’re doin’ us some lessons though”
“Pfft” Cass snorted derisively “The overstuffed rodent must think I'm military or something – I’ve not got a smegging clue how to make hand to hand weapons; I mean...” she paused to gesture expansively “Sure, I can weaponise wormholes or engineer gigadeath nanoplagues, and bioterminators, but I’m utterly smegged with low tech shit!”
“Huh” Alex shrugged and clumsily pulled his blanket back up around his shoulders “Tha’ buggers tha’ idea”
“And don’t think didn’t I notice that he completely blanked me when I mentioned shutting his smegging construct down” Cass sneered “What gives? We may need the damn thing for power and parts! Or is he having some weirdly inappropriate relationship with it?”
“Maybe...” Phi tittered “Maybe she’s his fluffer?”
“Ha!” Cass laughed, mimicking Candice wiping her lips with the back of her hand “I shudder to think”
“Ew” Alex wrinkled his nose
“Ah, whatever” Cass grinned, waving a dismissive hand “I don’t care what the dirty old smegger’s up to - If it means us getting out of here, I’ll tear that construct down to its component parts whether he likes it or not”
“C’mon” she tiredly motioned to Phi “Let’s go for a walk and see if we can find any streams or habitable caves miraculously not filled with huge and aggressively territorial creatures - Enjoy picking up sticks Alex!”
The two women turned to go, but the sudden arrival of a load of the other crew members and a woman Cass had never seen before gave pause to their quest before it had even got underway
<tbc />