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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Finding Seymour
Posted byPosted: Feb 13, 2013, 11:15pm
Jacky extended his arm to Jaxx to help him up.
\"Why are you helping me up? I just punched you.\" Jaxx said.
\"I don\'t believe in violence, but I believe in math.\" Jacky explained.
\"We\'re even.\"
Jaxx thought about it for a second, then laughed and took Jacky\'s hand. The slimy substance greased the pulling, however, and Jaxx slipped out of Jacky\'s grip.
\"Maybe we could find you a towel.
Just as Jacky finished his sentence the green slime began to bubble and evaporate. Jacky was still holding his nose as he said, "Wow you don't that everyday." Jay spoke up and said, "Most of the stuff we see is on that level." Jay help Jaxx up and said, "Do you feel different at all Jaxx?" Jaxx nodded and said, "Actually I very different. I am no longer in pain from the broken ribs and I don't have the overwhelming urge to eat, fight or kill. Why do you ask?" Jacky caught on to what Jay was hinting at and said, "Oh smeg your human now." Jaxx looked at his arms and legs to find no fins. Then he checked his back and neck to see his dorsal fin and gills were missing. Then Jaxx stuck his fingers in his mouth to find human teeth. Jaxx spoke up, "Oh smeg your right."
Jay shook his head and said, "Just to be on the safe side Jaxx I think we need to keep you monitored to make sure your body does not mutate anymore. Who knows what that mutagen gas did to you." Jaxx nodded and said, "Yeah that may be for the best. By the way thanks for staying by my side when I was dying. I was expecting to be alone when it happened." Jay nodded and said, "I know. We all have our demons to deal with." Molly spoke up to Jacky and asked, "Why did your friend hit you?" Jacky looked at Jaxx and Jay and then said, "I kinda overstepped my boundaries earlier."
Then Molly said, "Are you missing anymore people?" Jay thought for a moment and said, "Why yes we are missing a few more. Why do you ask?" Molly because I see someone moving in a ship over there." They three men turned around and saw the escape pod Holly mentioned that Seymour and Phil were on. Jay muttered, "Huh. I wondered were they went off to." Jay led the three others toward the escape pod. Jay smiled as he heard Seymour say, " I don't suppose someone could give me a hand over here, could they? I'm a little stuck."