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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Candice Kane
The Big Hamster fluffs it up again, this time with Candice!
<OOC- This is a minor bit of a back post, since I already had a post for this whole shebang with Candice wrote up, but then got involved in some more personal family stuff with my dad and all that, making me fall behind in my BD reading - yet again. Hence, one major re-write (read lop/hack-n-slash/mass-delete job) later, this is my catch up & fix-things-right post. *sigh* Forgive me in advance if I fluffed anything up!
Where: A Science Lab
When: Just after the guys got their antidotes for their 'glowstick' problem
"Eureka, I've got the Antidote back!" Said dripping with muck oversized hamster who just burst out of the science lab holding up a glowing red liquid filled test tube.
"Jay already brought us the antidote, Mate." Said a nondescript male dwarfer walking by.
White Wolf let out a sound much like Marge Simpson does as he annoyedly tossed the test tube away in frustration while muttering, "Well I guess that's the last time I'm going to bother cleaning up another one of Phils multi-dimensional pieces of sentient crap from the science labs before I let Jay to get all the credit for it..."
The huge hamster quirked around an ear as he heard a distinct sizzling sound as some of the muck dripped off him onto a hole in the metal floor nearby his right rear paw. He bent and gave it a inquisitive sniff, than whipped out his A-temporal pad and gave it a scan.
"Eh? What the 'ell is Candice Kane's femtomites doing devouring the Blue Dwarf?" Exclaimed the rotund hamster in surprise, he paused, then had a horrible realization and quickly scanned for her presence on the Blue Dwarf and found out she wasn't aboard, or well... was, but not in an assembled state. He took a moment to mentally run through what should happen if she got inadvertently destroyed or heavily damaged, and confirmed with a quick scan of the power out-flux from her ship. Then he thought out loud, "Okay, so it's not one of her defenses, its just her systems are trying to rebuild using power from her ship and assimilating nearby mass. But that techs not supposed to work that way, so why isn't working the way it should?"
He paused, mentally reviewing the troubleshooting flow in his mind, and then he remembered that she said her ship was damaged. He scanned her ship and the results made it quite it clear that he was going to need to help or bad things were going to happen. With that, He spun around and walked back into the science lab once again, while dejectedly muttering "Looks like I'm putting in some overtime on this one..."
When & Where: Quite a while later, inside the lab.
White Wolf had his headphones on and was listening to David Souls "Don't give up on us Baby" while reviewing the console readings of his hastily constructed 'Alien ship power, mass combiner and Roo-Ethics SemblenceBot crosspatch-retrofit-rebuild bench' upon which the form of Candice Kane seemed to be coalescing remarkably well.
The colossal hamsters furry face began to frown slightly as he noticed some odd readings. He claw pecked a couple of things into the consoles keyboard, glancing carefully at the readings as the words on the display flickered back and forth, then he exclaimed in frustration, "Smeg it all Phil, why did you have to purchase so much surplus useless Russian science electronics gear?!"
The whole display flickered out momentarily as the lights & power suddenly dimmed, caused by the unexpected power draw by Jaxx's simulation up on another deck.
"Oh for Pete's sake, not now - I'm nearly done!" Uttered the capacious hamster as he quickly ran over to another station and tried re-routing more power into the lab. After several seconds of hurried typing and furtive bouncing back and forth between the console and station, his headphones caught on the consoles keyboard causing the jumbo sized hamster to trip head first right into the stations decrepit Russian built monitor, which consequently broke with lots of electrical sparks and arcs flying everywhere, literally making the whole science lab look like something out of one of those old Black & White films concerning Frankenstein for several moments.
Then the lights went out in the science lab and somewhere in the momentary darkness, Katy Perry's "California Gurls" could be heard quietly playing. As the lights slowly came back on and a extremely static furred White Wolf staggeringly extracted himself from the destroyed stations charred remains, quietly commenting "OW! At least that wasn't another one of those bad star trek classic series effects..."
Then Candice Kane sat up on the bench, looked down at herself in surprise and blurted out, "Oh my, I think I've reverted to Diva bot mode!"
The voluminous hamster stared gobsmacked for a moment at a Blue haired Katy Perry look a-like sitting on the bench before him.
Candice smiled at him, "And you must be the companion that I'm designed for."
White Wolf suddenly looked very nervous and started, "Well, you see, about that... I was rebuilding you because someone destroyed you, and things didn't quite go as I'd planned..."
Candy looked at him questioningly then smiled and said, "I'm sure you will explain everything after we both get cleaned up from this dretful mess, Honey." while walking over and linking her arm into his while steering him out the door and into the hallway outside.
"Emergency, Emergency: There's an emergency going on." Holly chirped through the monitors to every other crew member. "This is a bit of a complicated story, so sit tight."
Everyone on the ship listened carefully.
"Jaxx has been on the AR machines on a semi-constant basis. This has overpowered the ship and has released a dangerous chemical gas. You'll all be mutated if you come into contact with it." Holly explained. "Everyone please grab your communication watches, make your way to the lower ship docking decks and board an emergency transport vehicle. Be ready to leave when it is deemed safest to. We'll be heading to the planet we were heading for anyway. I must say, this is quite the excuse to go on holiday."
{end snip}
"But this isn't how I..." Objected the Over-sized hamster, still somewhat shaken.
"It's no problem, Darling - We can both use a holiday after such a distressing incident. Now, let's just follow these other panicking crewmen to the emergency transport vehicles and be on our way." Replied Candice rather calmly.
When & Where: Sometime later, down on the planet.
Candice & White Wolf were walking along the beach, moving towards the rest of the Dwarfers.
"Okay, so you had to overlay my original human oriented programming using Roo-SemblenceBot routines and ethics by sacrificing part of your friend, WD-40's chip which you had received from the prison guard when you were exiled to the Blue Dwarf, as well as incorporated several bits of Roo tech to make me function without falling to some horrid Asimovian robot law crisis. Right?" Paraphrased Candice.
"Well, that isn't all of it..." Started the Nordic sized hamster.
"Oh stop objecting! Yes, I know you didn't intend to force me into being your companion as you already explained. With all you've done, I think many girls would be very appreciative, perhaps even love you like me."
"I think that overlay..."
"No, I honestly think it's my genuine emotion."
"No Buts! Your stuck with me until I say otherwise, Okay?" Said Candice firmly while wagging her finger at the over-sized hamster, "Just go with the flow, it was my original programming after all."
"Well, now there's the added complication that with those changed Ethics and Roo-SemblenceBot routines you now consider Roo, like myself, as you used to humans, and humans are now considered aliens, which means you can take hostile actions against them as the situation needs."
"I don't think I'm going to have a problem with that anymore, especially now that my memory of a false Cass destroying me has returned." Remarked Candice.
"Um yeah..."
"I know you told me already that Cass herself might be dangerous as well. But with the new added Roo tech you gave me, that shouldn't be a problem."
"Yeah, that's another important item you need to know, on the Roo tech scale your now a twenty one. You used to be a seven, while Cass & rest of the Dwarfers are about a three to a three and a half. Please be very careful, don't let them find that out and keep a low profile about using any of it, as it could make both our lives very complicated, especially because some of the Roo's enemies might just spot it and decide to come strolling along to try and even up a few old scores."
Candice nodded with a knowing look, "Yeah - I was kinda wondering about all those military, strategy, special ops, stealth & fighting routines I suddenly acquired lately. I was getting the feeling you just might want me to be regular lady superhero in bed with all that."
White Wolf's eyebrow went up in surprise, "Well, ah... Why don't we take that part of our, um... romance... slow, okay?"
Candy whispered rather seductively in reply, "Sure, whatever you want."
... then Phi let out a spine chilling scream.
They looked back to the water's edge. Bedge had collapsed, knocking Phi on top of Jaxx, where she was sprawled in a Bedge/Jaxx sandwich, face near Jaxx's bottom, hand trailing in the murky water. As a clean-freak... pretty much one of her worst nightmares.
[Bedge's circuits have gone dead.]
White Wolf and Candice ran over to see what was happening.
“... Demon woman?” Cass glowered.
“Don't...” Jay warned her.
Max began crying. Katrina jogged him on her hip and murmured comforting words.
Phil swallowed. “Er, that was a bit awkward, wasn't it?”
White Wolf sighed. “Anyone want me to pouch him?”
Jay sighed harder. “No. Leave this to me.”
"Who are you?" Asked Phi as Candice approached.
"Hello, I'm Candice Kane. I'm sure Mr. White Wolf told you all about me." Replied Candy.
Phi stared at Candy with puzzlement, recalling her new personnel file, "Wait, we're on a planet where the EM field are playing havoc with anything electrical, so why are you okay and their not?"
Candy looked scared for a moment, as she worried the jig might already be up, when the gargantuan hamster explained, "oh, I helped repair her after she nearly got destroyed by that Bloody beast of a Gelf. Candice doesn't work at all like they do. She can use energy conversion on a femtomite level to regenerate and function in just about every environment."
Candice threw up her hands and struck a showy pose and went, "Tada!". Unfortunately, she looked rather humorous in the California Gurls parody outfit she was still wearing from the her unfortunately science Lab transformation. Seeing everyone's reaction, she put her hands back down and shrugged noncommittally.
"But she doesn't look the same as..." Started Phi again.
"Okay, I didn't get everything quite right." said White Wolf with annoyance.
Phil let out a chuckle and the huge hamster shot him a dirty look, "I don't want to hear it Phil. Or shall I bring up the incident with Captain Cannon and the Loo?"
OOC- Well, that brings me up to date. Hopefully without any fluffy bits. :)
<Tag Anyone?>