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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jacky Kong
Of all the unlikely things!
But he didn\'t finish the sentence, because about then Phi let out a spine chilling scream.
They looked back to the water\'s edge. Bedge had collapsed, knocking Phi on top of Jaxx, where she was sprawled in a Bedge/Jaxx sandwich, face near Jaxx\'s bottom, hand trailing in the murky water. As a clean-freak... pretty much one of her worst nightmares.
<Bedge\'s circuits have gone dead.>
Alex and Cass ran back to the group to examine the situation. Phi forced herself out and looked absolutely sick, as well as furious. Someone watching snickered, but most took pity on her sudden fright. Alex lifted up Bedge\'s body.
\"Ah smeg, Bedge? Come on, speak to me!\" he called.
Alex waved his hand in front of Bedge\'s unmoving body. His eyes were a hollow black.
\"Wake up! Please!\" Alex yelled, pounding desperately on Bedge\'s chest plate. The effort was lost. \"Smeg!\"
\"This is one smegging hell of a holiday!\" Jacky growled, throwing up his hands in defeat. \"We\'re trapped here with no way of leaving, and we\'re missing several people!\"
Jacky was fed up with the whole lot of things. He didn\'t usually get this huffy, but he felt now was a realistic time to. He stormed off far away to be alone and vent some steam. He eventually came to a hole, which he almost fell down.
\"Wooah!\" he yelled, almost falling. He caught himself over it. He peered down. A faint green light could be seen. As he squinted to see it more clearly, it became a very close, very bright light. Jacky backed away until the light dimmed.
\"What the-...?\" he asked himself.
\"...Hello?\" a voice called from inside the hole.
Jacky was surprised. \"H-... Hello?\" he responded.
\"Where am I?\" The voice asked.
\"You\'re in a hole?\" Jacky responded.
\"How did I get in the hole?\" the voice asked.
\"I\'m not sure. What was that light?\"
\"It was my stasis booth! I\'ll tell you more when I\'m out of this hole. Is that okay?\"
\"Yeah! Hold on!\"
Jacky reached into his labcoat pockets and pulled out a book of matches. (you didn\'t think his pockets were empty, did you?) Jacky lit the match.
\"I can see your match!\" the voice yelled.
\"Good! I think I can see you! Put up your arm!\"
the figure did as it was told and put up its arm. Jacky reached down with both of his and grabbed the arm, which was barely within reach.
\"Ready?\" he asked.
\"Yeah!\" the voice called.
\"1...2...3... Jump!\"
the figure leaped up and Jacky pulled with all his might. The figure was pulled out of the hole, and the two of them tumbled over one another into the sand. Jacky lifted up his face and spit some of that sand out.
\"You okay?\" he asked.
\"Yeah.\" the figure said.
Jacky turned and looked at the figure. It was a woman in a black T-shirt and jeans with messy, short orange hair and a pair of glasses.
\"So, uh, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Molly.\" she said, holding out her hand.
\"Jacky.\" Jacky responded, shaking her hand.
\"So... where the smeg are we?\"
<A mystery woman appears! How will the others react? How can a stasis pod work on a planet where electronics fail? What is the source of the pod itself?>