Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Have a nice Holiday!
Jaxx clawed the mesh landing he was on as the pain consumed his body. He felt his identity slipping away as his body began to grow larger and larger. His skin turned blue and white like a shark, his eyes turned black, he grew a huge shark tale and his body turned into a huge 12 foot shark with arms and legs.
Jacky wiped a bucket\'s worth of sweat off of his forehead after the pounding ceased.
\"Do you see why I don\'t trust this guy!?\" he asked.
\"You did pistol-whip him.\" Justin said.
Holly cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him.
\"As I was saying, the previous ship to have had this problem was reported to have had the gas as well. It caused them genetic mutation.\" Holly said.
\"Genetic mutation?\" Justin repeated. \"Why does the JMC run AR Suites that could cause that effect?\"
\"Typically people don\'t run AR suites at full capacity without turning them off or taking a break for several days.\" Holly said. \"You kept the thing in sleep mode for months anyway. This problem was bound to happen. Jaxx simply sped up the process. Speaking of Jaxx, would you like to see these genetic mutations?\"
\"Oh god, you don\'t mean...?\"
Holly flipped on a security feed, showing the newly mutated Jaxx.
\"Here\'s an interesting fact: the mutations are entirely unique and random. The fact he\'s gone sharky is a matter of strange coincidence.\" Holly commented. \"Next time it happens, you could end up with sixteen eyeballs or you could lose your feet... or both, I suppose.\"
\"Is there any hope we can fix him?\" Jacky asked.
\"Yes, actually. The mutations subside over time spent away from the gas. As long as you get him away from all the gas for about a solid week, he should be fine. Just do it quickly. If he spends too much time in the gas, the effects are irreversible.\"
\"How much time would that take?\"
\"1 hour.\"
\"Well then, I suppose we \'ought to go get \'im.\" Bedge said.
\"Well, Bedge, why don\'t you?\" Jacky offered.
\"WHAT?\" Bedge snarled.
\"You\'re a simulant, Bedge. You can\'t be mutated by the gas. You can go gather the others before it spreads, and capture Jaxx.\"
\"I may be one o\' the strongest tings on ship, but I still don\' want to fite dat dere Jaxx fella.\" Bedge said.
\"Then trick him into a stasis pod! Lure him in with some Huzzard bait, and when he gets in, shut the door on him and freeze him! Take the pod to a ship, and the rest is history.\" Justin said. Jacky was somewhat impressed with this plan.
\"Err, stoopid \'uman.\" Bedge said, as he strolled out the door.
\"Emergency, Emergency: There\'s an emergency going on.\" Holly chirped through the monitors to every other crew member. \"This is a bit of a complicated story, so sit tight.\"
Everyone on the ship listened carefully.
\"Jaxx has been on the AR machines on a semi-constant basis. This has overpowered the ship and has released a dangerous chemical gas. You\'ll all be mutated if you come into contact with it.\" Holly explained. \"Everyone please grab your communication watches, make your way to the lower ship docking decks and board an emergency transport vehicle. Be ready to leave when it is deemed safest to. We\'ll be heading to the planet we were heading for anyway. I must say, this is quite the excuse to go on holiday.\"
Everyone snatched their watches and placed them on.
\"Oh, and do keep in mind that Jaxx has been infected, so he\'ll be travelling with us inside a stasis pod. I\'ll explain later. I will be opening all the airlocks to remove the gas while you\'re gone. Have a smashing holiday!\"
Justin left the room easily, being a hologram and not fearing mutation. Jacky, however, had to wait for Holly\'s okay first. He\'d positioned some scutters outside with fans to blow the air out of their way. Eventually, very slowly, he made it to the lower ship decks, and met everyone.
\"Roll call!\" Jay called. \"Jacky, get in line.\"
Jacky did as he were told. Jay counted everyone off of a list.
\"Everyone\'s here except for Jaxx, Bedge, Seymour, and Phil.\" Jay concluded.
Suddenly, Bedge trudged slowly into the room. His arm was loosely connected (but easily repairable) and both he and the stasis pod were stained with the distinct blood of Huzzard.
\"I fink I need dis holiday more den you do.\" Bedge said.