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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
the Kong Conspiracy P.2
Future Jacky disappeared in a glow of light.
Jacky sat by himself for a long while in silence before he eventually stood up and grasped the box.
"Screw the future." Jacky said, as he untied the string keeping it shut.
Jacky reached in the box without looking. He felt very nervous; afraid, even. He felt the object within in his hand. It was thin. Much like paper. Thicker than paper, but still thin. Felt like a Polaroid.
He opened his eyes. It was a Polaroid! There was no picture on it. Oh, wait, he was holding it backwards. He flipped it over. There was no picture on it. In the place of where a picture should be, there was black space with a red dash on it.
Well this is confusing. It's worthless! Oh wait, there's something else in the box. Jacky picked it up. It's a note! What does it say? It says:
"If you're reading this, then you've opened the box early, which I knew and wanted you to do, so technically you opened it right on time! If you're really curious about this photo, ask Cass about it. I say this because that's what I did after reading this note.
Sincerely, Jacky Kong of the Future."
Jacky pocketed the Polaroid and did as he was told in the note, leaving his quarters to go find Cass's. He shortly after realized he didn't know where Cass's quarters were, but it didn't matter since he caught her passing by anyway.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jacky asked.
"You still grumpy from the hangover?" she asked.
"Not entirely." he responded.
"Alright, what is it?" she asked.
Jacky removed the Polaroid from his pocket.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It's a Polaroid photograph." Cass explained. "Or an imitation of one. Looks like a timer-image."
"A... what?" Jacky asked.
"They're pictures that only become visible at a certain time. Looks like this one hasn't activated yet." Cass said.
"Huh..." Jacky said. "Well, thanks."
"Don't mention it." Cass said, walking away.
So now Jacky knew two things: He'd have to murder someone he cared about, and that his future self was a lying smeg-head. He hoped that the two of those would be connected in some way.
For now, though, Jacky felt like wandering a bit. It helped him take his mind off of things. He wandered into the VR Suite, for a start. Jaxx was there. Hm. May as well peek into his simulation.
Abby took Jaxx to the ballroom where the band Rob and the Zombies were playing some rock music. Abby waved to here friends as she led Jaxx to the crowded dance floor and they began dancing the night away.
"Rob and the Zombies?" Jacky wondered out loud. "Nothing but cheap knockoffs. Let's play some REAL music."
Jacky selected the Third-Party-Player menu. This was for people who wanted to influence games for their friends without playing them. It worked quite well for "Zombie Raid IV," where you could control the legions of undead to attack your friend. At any rate, Jacky checked the available replacement songs.
"Yes!" he cried happily to himself. Jacky had managed to discover a song to his liking, but mind you, it wasn't to his liking because he enjoyed the song. He enjoyed it for the momentary distraction and satisfaction it would grant him to see Jaxx's face when it played.
Jaxx was "dancing" to Rob and the Zombies, when suddenly the music came to a jerky halt.
"What gives?" he wondered out loud.
suddenly, a very VERY loud rendition of "Tiptoe through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim played.
Jaxx stood still, dumbfounded.
"Whaaaat?" he asked out loud to not particularly anyone.
Jaxx heard a light snickering echo in his ears. Some smeg-head was messing with his game, and he left the third-party-player microphone on.
Oh well, it's not like he'd do anything worse than change the music, right?
Jaxx was startled to find the scenery around him become an island filled with candy.