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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Calgon Take Me Away Part 2
Posted byPosted: Feb 8, 2013, 1:25pm
"I don’t think anybody gives a shit about my feelings" she murmured to Katrina's retreating back "But at least I don’t pity him"
She tiredly pulled her terminal out again to flick it on and summon Holly
“Where’s the nearest habitable planet Hol?”
“That’d be about four days away”
“Plot a course for it – I reckon we could all do with a bit of a break and some time off this ship...”
<tag>We’re off for a little R&R, what’s everyone doing in the meantime, and does anything happen on the way?</tag>
Jaxx entered his lab as was quickly greeted by the toaster, "Hello mate would you like some toast?" Jaxx looked at the toaster, "Sure why not. Give me a few loaves please." The toaster responded, "Sure thing mate." Jaxx put the Huzzard in the trough sink and began ripping up small pieces of it and making several sandwiches. Then Jaxx pulled out his coffee, liquor, cigars, new weapons and ammo and put them in his locker. Jaxx reached into his pouch and pulled out his new games. Jaxx smiled and plugged them into the multi-hub on one of the computers. Jaxx said, "Hey Holly please download these games to my training system." Holly came on the computer and said, "Sure thing bub."
Jaxx then ate his meal and used his nanos to clean up his mess. Jaxx looked around and sighed as he muttered, "Just another day at the office. Hopefully those gits can get through another day or two without me."
Jaxx then took off his armor and his clothes except for his speedo and put them in his locker. Then Jaxx examined his wounds that were healing nicely before climbing into his tank. Jaxx looked at his tank and it was looking a bit dirty so he activated the port on his belly button and the nanos came out and began cleaning the tank and feeding it to Jaxx through his belly button. It didn't take long for the nanos to clean the tank. After he got adjusted, Jaxx put on his VR helmet and engaged in several hours of mind numbing video-games.