Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong
Are You Seeing This?
Posted byPosted: Feb 7, 2013, 8:38pm
“How do we do that?”
“You must input the correct access code” GINA informed them, pleasantly.
Phil desperately prodded buttons. “No luck.”
“You have entered three incorrect access codes...”
“Here, let me try mine.” Davie blasted the panel with a bazookoid. It fizzled and GINA's voice slurred and deepened.
“Accessshh graawwwnnttteeed.”
“Okie dokie.” The Ffionian casually began fiddling with the shuttle's controls.
“NOW!” Everyone screamed.
“Keep your hair on.” Humming, he flipped a few switches and gently transported them across the bay. The Space Eagle missed them by inches.
“Oh my, dat... dat was closhe.” Jacky slurred.
“Oh, thank you Mr. Yuwan'Kar, thank you.” Seymour wiped the sweat from his brow.
The Space Eagle shot out of the now partially open doors, wing clipping one, and tumbled sickeningly into open space.
“Hah. What a show off.” Phil chuckled. “That's our Jay!”
“He... hic... he did that on purpose?”
“Sure he did. He's obviously celebrating getting the medicine. You saw that case under his arm...”
Crouched on the floor, Alex let out the breath he'd been holding. “Can we go home now, please?”
An exhausted Seymour looked down at him. “I think that would be a very good idea, Mr. Solvay.”
Back on the Dwarf:
Katrina watched the team stumbling, swaggering, wheeling and limping their way into the canteen. They seemed to be in... relatively... good spirits. Mission successful, then? She rolled her eyes and smiled into her coffee.
Alex was supporting a staggering, shaven headed Jacky. “Cahm on. Let's get you a cup of coffee”.
Then, he saw her familiar form and all but dropped the poor lad who started to crumple to the floor. Eyes still fixed on the woman, Alex grabbed the back of Kong's shirt and directed him into a chair. She turned and smiled at him, brown hair swaying gently with each movement. He jerked as if someone had just punched him in the stomach.
“Are you seeing this?” He whispered, pointing a finger at the woman. “Is anyone else seeing this?”
“Of course we're seeing it, Mr. Solvay, have you gone quite mad? It's just one of the GELFs.”
“... Jess?”
The GELF they'd come to know as Cindy morphed back into her familiar and favoured Cindy Crawford form.
Solvay's astonished manner evaporated.
He turned and looked down at a somewhat baffled Seymour.
“This,” he pointed towards the GELF, “is NOT OKAY.”
He shoved a chair out of his way and stalked out of the room.
“Wass 'is problem?” Jacky asked, breaking a confused silence.
“Erm, I fink dat was his ex wife.” Bedge told them.
“Jess.” Phi made a mental note.
Bedge carefully replaced the stray chair, causing an inappropriate scraping sound.
Cindy shrugged, sulkily. “I felt that form in his mind, I thought he'd like it, it's one he'd frequently put his-”
“Yes, all right, all right, we don't need to know all the disgusting details....” Seymour scowled.
“... trust in.”
Storming down the corridors, Alex passed Cass and Roboshah.
“Can't stop...”
Attention prodded by the scraping chair, Katrina looked back up. She peered at the group, they weren't all there. “Where's Jay?”
Davie looked around. “He's not back?”