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View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Jacky Kong
There's always an emergency button!
He turned the space eagle back toward the exit and headed back to the Blue Dwarf.
"At least the others got SOME supplies, right sir?\" Jaxx asked after a few minutes of silence.
Jay had blacked out again, the Space Eagle hurtling a full pelt toward the shuttle the others were in, on a direct collision course....
Jacky was sitting back in his chair, which he had set back all the way.
"Do you think Jaxx and Jay will be okay?" Phi asked him.
"I'm sure they'll be just fine." Jacky said, closing his eyes.
"How can you be sure?" Phi asked, nervously.
"If the time I've spent with you guys is any implication, you people get into big scraps all the time, and you've gotten out just fine. Besides, Jaxx can hulk through things. Regardless of what you think of him, you have to admit he can defend himself." Jacky explained. "I find that the best way to deal with the things that go on around here is to relax whenever possible..."
Jacky sighed deeply and calmly. He then casually glanced out the window to admire the vast beauty of outer space. He leaped out of his chair.
"SMEG SMEG SMEG SMEG SMEG" he screeched.
Phi looked at him. As did Seymour, Justin, and, well, everybody.
"Out there! There! Oh SMEG! Oh God, oh GOD!" Jacky yelled in a panicked attempt to explain.
Phi leaned over and looked out, too.
"Oh my god! There's another shuttle heading right toward us! Who can pilot this thing?!" she yelled.
"I...I... I-I-" Jacky stumbled.
"What?!" Phi yelled.
Jacky swallowed hard.
"The controls are on auto-pilot! You can't switch them off their course unless there's an emergency!"
"This IS an emergency!" Seymour screamed.
"Well, how do we tell the ship that?" Jacky asked.
"Isn't there an emergency button?! I'm an engineer! There's ALWAYS an emergency button!" Justin screeched.
Just then, a head appeared on a nearby monitor. It was a female face, with orange hair and brown eyes.
"I am the emergency artificial intelligence unit, known as GINA. Please speak the nature of your emergency." it said.
"We're about to be crashed into by another ship!" Seymour yelled.
"Processing..." the computer said, the face closing its eyes.
"For smeg's sake!" Justin yelled.
"We will gladly allow you full control of the ship..." she began
The crew's faces beamed with hope.
"...If you can verify yourself as a registered member of the crew." GINA finished.
The crew's faces sunk with despair.