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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
It's been over a year and I still keep clicking send before adding a title
Posted byPosted: Feb 7, 2013, 5:12pm
As Jaxx was setting the grenade he saw a few bottles on the floor by the door where Jacky came from. Jaxx then grabbed the bottles and smashed them on the ground to cover the floor with liquor and broken glass. Then Jaxx gave himself some room from the flamable liquor and prepared for combat.
<end snip>
Jaxx caught something out of the corner of his eye.
\\\"I said get out of here!\\\" he snapped.
\\\"You don\\\'t give the orders around here, soldier...\\\" Jay snapped back. \\\"And I never run from a fight!\\\"
\\\"But you need to fly the others out of here!\\\"
\\\"Efof can handle it...\\\" replied Chrysler readying his rifle.
A loud roar echoed along the long hallway, and around the corner up ahead reared an enormous creature. It\\\'s skin was reddish-brown, four large legs supported it\\\'s long reptilian body, a long tail trashed about behind it while a long neck lead to a fearsome looking horned head.
\\\"The smeg IS that thing?\\\" Jay asked no-one in particular.
\\\"I dunno.\\\" Jaxx replied \\\"But it\\\'s ugly...\\\"
\\\"Must be some kind of genetic experiment...\\\" Jay mused, dodging to one side as the beast hurled a storage crate at the pair, which broke open on contact with the deck plate.
\\\"OPEN FIRE!\\\" Jay ordered, he and Jaxx both unloaded a salvo of assault rifle fire at the monster, it stumbled backwards a little, but shrugged it off and lunged forward, it\\\'s jaws snapping closed seconds after Jaxx pulled himself away, narrowly avoiding being bitten in two.
\\\"What\\\'s it made of, Seymours angel cake?\\\" Jay asked \\\"It\\\'s skins harder than...well...the other guys love truncheons!\\\"
The beast lunged again and Jaxx, and Jay moved quickly, he clambered up onto the nearby storage crates and leapt across the corridor, grabbing hold of one of the beasts giant horns and plonking himself across it\\\'s neck.
The creature thrashed about, trying to shake him off, while Jay aimed his rifle straight into the back of it\\\'s head and unloaded the entire magazine into it.
The creature roared in anger, and, still thrashing managed to grab Chrysler in one of it\\\'s giant claws and toss him, hard, into Jaxx sending both men tumbling.
The ex-captain and the MACO picked themselves up as Jay found his vision blurring and himself struggling to focus.
\\\"Smeg...not now...\\\" he fought, stumbling to his knees the urge to pass out as the virus threatened to overwhelm him. \\\"Jaxx!\\\" he yelled \\\"The shuttlebay!\\\"
Jay used his rifle to lift him back to his feet, and hobbled along the corridor toward the flight deck, Jaxx following closely, feebly firing more rounds into the monster,
\\\"Save your ammo...\\\" Jay scolded \\\"It\\\'s pointless!\\\"
\\\"Then what do you suggest?\\\"
\\\"Just trust me!\\\" Jay snapped as he entered the shuttle-bay
Jaxx turned back, and fire one more round at the beast, with one stray shot igniting the alcohol and sending up a wall of flame, unseen by Jay. Jaxx followed Jay into the shuttle bay, Jay making a feeble bee-line for the space eagle they arrived in, and clambering into the cockpit.
\\\"Get in\\\" Jay said.
Jaxx obeyed and climbed in behind Jay.
Jays fingers flew across the controls, the cockpit glass sealing around them. The craft lifted off, and Jay spun it around in a slow circle to face back the way they had come.
The monster burst through the door, and Jay opened fire.
Every thing the fighter craft had at it\\\'s disposal was unleashed on the beast, missles, machine guns, laz-blasters. Eventually the cannons and launchers began to click, signifiying that they were empty. The dust settled, and the beast came into view. Dead.
Jay slumped back in the chair.
\\\"That.\\\" he said \\\"Is how it\\\'s done...c\\\'mon, lets pick up the supplies\\\"
\\\"Sir..\\\" Jaxx said \\\"The supplies...they, they would have burned...\\\"
\\\"Just when I was thinking it was getting too easy...\\\" Jay muttered. \\\"Guess we go home then..\\\"
He turned the space eagle back toward the exit and headed back to the Blue Dwarf.
\\\"At least the others got SOME supplies, right sir?\\\" Jaxx asked after a few minutes of silence.
Jay had blacked out again, the Space Eagle hurtling a full pelt toward the shuttle the others were in, on a direct collision course....