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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
A Bad Day
Posted byPosted: Jan 28, 2013, 1:26pm
"... We need the medicine."
"I'm only two days old..." Jaxx sulkily flicked a crisp packet across the table in front of him.
"Well you've eaten enough for two months. Come on, dopey..." Alex's tone was gentler now.
The massive manshark mumbled something inaudible, pulled himself to his feet and with Solvay's help swayed back towards the Arboretum.
Jaxx was barely staggering as Alex held him up as best as he could. Jaxx was fighting to stay awake as he drooled on himself. Jaxx moved his shaking hand to push a button on his belt to activate his nanos. Alex struggled as he was having trouble supporting a very heavy drunken Jaxx. It took a while to walk to the Arboretum since Jaxx was barely moving along. Once the two men made it to the Arboretum they heard the Huzzards skulking about in the shadows. Alex dropped Jaxx to his knees as he was ready to fight off the Huzzards. Alex looked at the pathetic MACO and shook his head as he yelled, “Get up Soldier or we are gonna get Smegged!” Jaxx fell to all fours and slowly raised his shaking head and then at Alex before muttering, no………………………….just me.”
Then Jaxx sprung up to his feet and grabbed Alex and shoved him out the door. Jaxx quickly hit the alarm and sealed himself in the Arboretum alone with the Huzzards as an angry Alex pounded on the doors telling Jaxx to open up. Jaxx looked up at Alex as blood began running from his eyes, nose, mouth, gills and ears. Jaxx gave half a smile as he began to shake in pain and his eyes turned completely black. Alex looked in shock as Jaxx looked like a mindless animal now. Jaxx put his hand on the small window on the door and slowly turned away to face the Huzzards. Then Jaxx exploded with rage as he was quickly over run by Huzzards. Jaxx tore them up by the dozens as blood splattered all around and eventually on the window that Alex could see out of. Now Alex had no idea what was going on inside. All Alex could hear was the screams of pain and gore that went on inside.
Jaxx continued his onslaught of the Huzzards but was taking a lot of damage in the process. Jaxx was beginning to look like a porcupine with all the broken spears in his armor. The pain only fueled Jaxx’s rage as he went on a killing rampage for several hours.
In the end a barely coherent Jaxx dropped to his knees as he saw no more Huzzards around he muttered with blood spewing from his mouth, “hoo rahhh.” Jaxx was barely breathing as he was fading in and out. Jaxx had no more strength left as he began to black out. Jaxx smiled as he thought “I Won.” Before blacking out.