Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken
And you thought getting the flu was Bad...
OOG- Alex, if your referring to her character card being deleted, I think I saw that before she replied with "Candice and the Survivor Paparazzi", but since we can't email her without a character card being attached to the game, could one of the Mods please confirm or deny this?
[Back in game]
“Before anybody could groan a response, the door opened, flooding the floor with light and framing the elaborate ball gown bedecked figure of ...
“... Candice?” Croaked Jacky.
The beautiful woman stood poised and elegant, as if serenely calculating the less than pretty scene before her.
Alex was taking in the dazzling vision when Cass swung around the door and loomed behind her. She had something in her hands and was flanked by Units One and Two, two of her darkly beautiful but lethal spider-like robots.
To confuse matters still further, behind Cass, White Wolf slowly wandered into view, a thoroughly befuddled expression creasing his furry face.
{end snip}
The huge fluffy hamster sniffed at the air quizzically, noticing Holly has set off the spray too early and thoroughly against his orders. White Wolf yelled at a nearby wall monitor, "Hol!!! I Told you to set off the spray *after* we sealed the door so we didn't expose the guys!"
"oh, I always get confused whenever you talk about time..." Said Holly while appearing on the screen.
"That's because talking with you is like having a philosophical discussion with an intellectually disarmed NITWIT!" Came back White Wolf.
"Can't we all just do another take?" Replied the disembodied head on the monitor.
White Wolf facepawed himself and muttered "Don't you think I'd have routed an all crew memo instead if that could be a regular occurrence?" then quickly executing an about face and muttering with exasperation as he heading off, "Now I'm gonna have to go back to science lab and try and come up with a bloody antidote for this!!!"
Alex suddenly worried about the possible interactions with the previously taken Pizazz tried calling after him, "Um, Exposure?!?"
Cass quickly whipped her Psi Scanner and began analyzing the spray.
Candice gestured towards Phil and inquired, "Would you be Phil?"
The upside down Phil raised, or rather lowered, a questioning eyebrow.
"That certainly explains a lot." Remarked Candice.
Finishing her analysis, Cass suddenly burst out laughing.
"Suffice to say gentlemen, it's probably best your currently restrained." Continued Candice rather matter of factually.
"Yeah!" said Cass while trying to stifle her mirth for a moment, but couldn't help herself, and continued laughing even harder.
"What?!?" Demanded Seymour with his usual whiny tone.
Candice began to explain, "As Mr. White Wolf explained to me, the spray your ships computer has released is a 'genetic tagging' pheromone that will make the Belhaphasarans glow with bio phosphorescence. Unfortunately, he also said something about there being too much Phil in it and as a side effect, would give all of you gentlemen a temporary case of Priapism for a couple of days..."
Before Cass interjected between her gasps of laughter and wiping tears from her eyes, "And have all you blokes running around having cock fights with... with... a glowing manhood!".
<Tag All, I think...>
OOG - I wanted to give everyone a shot @ posting their characters specific reactions to the upcoming 'problems' before we pushing the storyline along any further because of simple mirth potential here. And what the heck - I like a short but sweet post every once in a while, since a fast turn around is good for the game to boot!