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View character profile for: Thomas Plisken
Posted byPosted: Dec 22, 2012, 4:16pm
A burst of sparks erupted over Plisken’s head. A Huzzard screamed at the top of his voice before charging at Plisken, who only narrowly dodged out of the way. A sharp spear thudded into the wall just above Plisken’s head and 3 other Huzzards roared a battle cry.
“Ohh,” groaned Plisken, “I’m too old for this smeg.” He punched the closest Huzzard with his metal fist, breaking what ever counted as a nose. The Huzzard let out a yelp of pain and Plisken took his opportunity to turn and run down the corridor. The 3 other Huzzards easily outpaced Plisken, who was now 37 and the cigars had not done him any favours. The leading Huzzard of the chase party- a huge scaly green warrior- reached out a clawed hand and grabbed the edge of Plisken’s coat. Plisken cursed as his tattered coat was ripped again. But his face lit up as he a low hanging bar over the corridor. As Plisken passed under it, he jumped up and grabbed it with both hands, swinging up to the ceiling. The three Huzzards, to stupid to notice anything, continued to run under Plisken. As they passed under, Plisken dropped down and crashed into to of the Huzzards. His booted feet smashed into their heads and knocked them unconscious, if not dead. The leader spun around at the noise and let out a little yelp of fright. This Huzzard leader had hunted Plisken for several months and now he was at the mercy of the hunted. Plisken kicked up a spear from one of the sleeping Huzzards and caught it with one hand. With out a single word he plunged the spear into the Huzzard’s chest, where he guessed a heart would be. In any case, the Huzzard collapsed and died before he hit the floor. Plisken sighed and went continued on his way.
Plisken had been trekking through Blue Dwarf for several years, 5 he had guessed. After spending a night under the waterfall with the Triple-Breasted women, he took a Blue Midget back up to the Blue Dwarf, with the orders from Seymour to check for what supplies they needed. As he guided the Blue Midget into the docking bay, an explosion erupted out of the bay. The fire and debris shattered into the front of the craft and sent him flying to the bottom of the ship- some where near ZZ deck. Plisken couldn’t rick flying the ship any longer with out the rick of the Midget’s engines blowing up. He quickly landed in ZZ deck and started making his way back to the Drive Room. Phil had cut all the power to the lower decks to conserve power so they were relatively abandoned- relatively.
But that was 5 years ago. Plisken studied a nearby map: DD deck. Plisken sighed- as he often did.
“Why the smeg is this ship so smegging big?” Plisken asked himself out loud, another thing he often did. At least he was probably closer to powered parts of the ship. Plisken yawned and stretched, it was probably night time somewhere. He took of his coat and rolled it up into a log and rested it on the ground. He lay down and rested his head on the coat and tried to get to sleep.
Plisken woke several hours later. He felt his stomach cry out for food as he pulled on his coat. He ran his hand through his, now very long, hair and allowed it to settle into its normal position. A nearby dispenser stood quietly, like a soldier on guard. Plisken walked over to it and gave it one good punch. It clunked and dropped a bottle of coffee and a can of bread. Plisken grumbled, canned bread was his least favourite emergency ration. But he ate it any way and drank the coffee before heading to the next level.
After dispatching the Huzzard hunting party 3 months ago, Plisken found his journey to easier. But it was also boring. He often would be able to skip, dance, crawl or anything else that would be a break from the norm of walking-which is what he did it a lot. He wondered, as we walked, skipped, danced or crawled, if anyone was missing him. He would have thought that Jacky or Justin would have at least tried to find him but he had found nothing to show that they had. He often thought on this, he wasn’t even able to talk to Holly because the only power that went through the lower sections was for the emergency red lighting which bathed every corridor and passage way. Someone must be missing him.
One day, after several more days, a light broke in the darkness of Plisken’s life. It was an average day: Plisken was humming My Darling Clementine, the red light bathed everything, and the ship creaked. All was normal. However, when Plisken turned and average looking corridor, an emergency elevator sat, gleaming in the distant end of the corridor. Plisken looked at for several moments, not knowing if what he saw was real or not. He began to run- something he hadn't done in months. He picked up pace, he got quicker and quicker. The elevator got closer until Plisken was sure that it was real. And better yet, it was all powered. Everything was powered, even the courtesy light above the door. Plisken checked the sign above the door. It had and arrow pointing up the way. The rest of the sign was scared and the name was unreadable but Plisken really didn't care. He climbed into the elevator and engaged the power. The door slid closed and the lift shot up like a rocket.
Only several moments later, the door slid open. Plisken stepped out into a beautiful garden, full of flowers, trees and grass. He cried a little as, for the first time in 5 years, he looked upon the greens, the yellows and blues of the gardens. He was in the Arboretum. He was so close to the drive room, he thought he could just jump and be there. But then something whispered at the back of his mind. Then that whisper turned into a shout. Then that shout turned into words that escaped Plisken’s mouth.
“For smeg’s sake!” he cried out. The whisper reminded Plisken of an event 5 years ago- when his friends Jacky and Justin took him here. He had told him about the Huzzards, where they came from and what they did. The only problem was that he was now, instead of the boring life in the corridors, in the home of the Huzzards.