Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
*Action* - Apocalypse
Posted byPosted: Dec 17, 2012, 7:35pm
Phil walked back in and cleared his throat.
"Afraid we haven't quite made it back to our original time."
Alex felt his heart sink.
"Well where and when are we then?" Snapped Seymour.
"Well, according to the device and Holly's scan of the nearby stars, it seems that we're..."
<end snip>
“...a week last Monday” Phil said, glancing at his watch.
“What? What does that even mean?” Said Seymour. “Are we at Earth? Did we travel far?”
Phil looked around for a map he could use to demonstrate. Then raised his finger level with his face and said “Follow me, I can explain this in the holo-cartography gallery.”
“The what?” Seymour said, but Phil silently lead the way. Seymour nodded to Alex to push him, who sighed, then obliged.
Phil lead them into a large room, the coldness of the air hit them as they entered, revealing how huge and empty the room was. Phil pressed a lightswitch and a few small lights around them flickered on, leaving the huge expanse above them still dark.
“This is the old holo-cartography lab, I've been working on fixing it up over the last few weeks.” Phil said, jabbing some keyboards on a desk in the centre of the room.
“I never knew this was here.” Seymour gasped, looking up at how tall and empty the room was.
“We never really used it, so kept it powered down for years. I thought it'd be cool to get it up and running again.” He kicked a generator which sparked, then sprung unto life, lighting up the desk in front of Phil, and then projecting a map of the stars above them.
“Wow!” Said Alex, stepping away from Seymour's wheelchair.
“Magnificent!” Said Seymour, at the holographic universe spun above him. A large blue green planet zoomed into view, with a miniature holographic Blue Dwarf floating nearby.
“Mr Febuggure, I demand to know why didn't you tell us about this earlier!” Said Seymour.
Phil nodded in Justin's direction. “I was worried sex pest over there would try and use it for IMAX-sized porn or something.”
“Ahh. Yes, can you make sure you put passwords in place so he can't?” Seymour whispered, and Phil nodded with a knowing smile.
“So really we haven't moved far at all.” Phil said. “We've travelled back in time a week, and moved from here to here across the solar system.”
“Where to where? Would you mind awfully just showing us where we were last week?” Seymour said.
“Sure.” Phil said, jabbing some buttons that also seemed to cause Justin, who was standing a few meters away to fade.
“Sorry, there's not enough power to project all these holograms, let me just...”
“Just turn him off.” Seymour said. “We jolly well don't need him right now.”
“Hey don't I get to decide-”
“Okay.” Said Phil, resigning Justin to digital nothingness, and boosting the power to the holographic solar system above them.
“So yeah, I was saying, we're currently here... but last week we were over here...” Instead of a second Blue Dwarf appearing above them, a blue Justin appeared instead, floating amongst the stars.
“By jove, what's happened?” Seymour demanded.
“Sorry, it's loaded the wrong sprite. Can you just imagine Justin is us from last week?”
Seymour sighed. “By all means should we not contact our past selves, is that clear?” He said, pointing to everyone around the room. Then he looked up at the planet they were closest. “Is that the planet we passed a few days ago?”
“Yeah, the destroyed one... oh wait.” Phil said, staring up at the shining blue green planet. “Oh.”
“Yeah, we passed it a few days ago and it looked completely molten and desolate. But now it looks all lovely and green!”
“It looks jolly nice too. Fancy a picnic?” Seymour said. Nearby, Whitewolf was checking on his Psi-scanner, connected to the ship's sensors. “Holly's detected life-forms down there too. It's entirely populated by triple-breasted blonde females with a shortage of males for fertilisation.”
From above, Justin shouted down “Finally, after all this time!”
But Phil was skeptical. “The planet went from that to this...” he demonstrated the planet losing its green and turning to a molten lifeless sphere “ less than a week.”
“Total apocalypse!” Said Whitewolf.
Seymour rubbed his chin. “Could it be anything to do with us being so close to this planet?”
“The wha... oh.”
“Could the planet be anything to do with those vibrations I can feel through my wheelchair?”
Everyone looked around, panicked, the walls were shaking quite badly.
Above them, the holographic Blue Dwarf was moving closer to the planet, whilst far away Justin was swimming on the spot.
“Do we cause a planetary apocalypse?” Whitewolf asked.
Phil said nothing, but bit his lip. Above the holographic map was demonstrating what was happening in realtime, the Blue Dwarf's hull was starting to glow as it was pulled close to the atmosphere, and hull plating starting to rattle loose.
The holo-cartography faded out as the desk sparked and almost set on fire. Jacky and Plisken were the first to start smacking the fire with their coats.
“Mr Kong, Mr Solvay and err... who are you again?”
“Plisken.” Said Thomas, putting the fire out.
“Mr Plisken. Would you mind awfully going with Mr Pancake to Engineering and ensuring the engines are at maximum capacity, we need reverse thrust and jolly well ALL of it!”
“Err... where is Mr Pancake?” Solvay asked. They turned to Phil who pointed up at where Justin had previously been swimming in the stars and shook his head. Justin was deactivated along with the other holograms.
“Smeg.” Said Solvay.
“Problem?” Seymour asked.
“Well... Justin was running an engine computer simulation that was taking 2 hours. Engines are offline. I can cancel it, but I need his password.” He slapped his forehead.
“Well you'll have to guess it!” Seymour said angrily. “We need engines! Or we'll crash and cause total planetary apocalypse!”
Seymour turned to Jay and Whitewolf.
“We could use the Starbug's engines to slow us down.” Jay suggested. “If we tether the 'Dwarf and pull in the opposite direction.” It wasn't a great plan, it would need hundreds of Starbugs pulling in the opposite direction to have any worthwhile affect, but Jay was right, it might give them a few minutes.
“Go get Cass from her quarters. She can help.” Seymour said. Jay immediately scowled.
“No way, we can't trust her.”
“We jolly well need all the pilots we can get!”
Jay's eyes narrowed, and he turned away, with Whitewolf, heading out of the room. Seymour wasn't sure if he'd ask Cass or not.
The Blue Dwarf hurtled towards planetary apocalypse.