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View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Jelena Markova

View character profile for: Garr Bedge
The Good, The Bad, and the Horny.
Posted byPosted: Oct 13, 2012, 4:41pm
<snip>“... I like touching things! So turn her off right now!” He demanded.</snip>
Where: Holo Suite.
Who: Solvay, Bedge, Markova, Pancake.
When: 21:58 Ship Time.
He even stomped his foot.
Jelena coughed, and muttered “Awkward.” She pretended to busy herself at a nearby console.
Bedge's mouth dropped open in surprise at both the intrusion and the demand. Alex couldn't help but notice that the sim's expression - coupled with his floral apron and pink glove combo - lent him a somewhat innocent appearance... For a millisecond.
He shook such thoughts from his mind and glowered at the horny holo.
“That's not very polite, you know, Pancake.”
“I don't care! If you don't switch her off, I'm doomed to another half existence.”
Alex raised a brow and leaned towards him. “Better than no existence, isn't it?”
Justin's own brows shot up. “Are you threatening me?”
“I wouldn't dream of it.” Alex smiled, pleasantly, as Bedge loomed next to him.
Justin swallowed. Alex continued.
“I'm just sayin' that I don't think you have the right to deprive poor Jelena there of the gift of life.”
“Gift o' lirrffee.” Bedge reinforced, absent mindedly clicking some knots from his neck.
Justin's eyes flicked between the two imposing figures. “This isn't fair!”
Jelena couldn't remain quiet any longer and strode their way. “For Callisto's sake! You sound like a spoiled brat. How old are you anyway, you modo? Twelve?”
Justin snorted. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Which I won't, because I don't like you.” He stuck his tongue out.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “No respect for the recently resurrected.”
Justin flicked her the V. “What did you have to go and die for anyway, you silly trollop?”
Alex slammed his hand onto a workstation. “That's enough, Pancake! We've got bigger things to worry about than whether you can still shag Fluffy!”
Garr looked confused. Justin looked hurt. Jelena looked bored. Alex realised that he wasn't in the best of moods, mostly due to the fact that he hadn't had the best of weeks. Phil's ass in your face, gnarled monster testicles dangling nearby, encountering several murders, virtual sand in your skivvies and - most horrific of all - the appearance of an estate agent, was enough to turn even the sweetest natured person sour. And Alex wasn't exactly peaches and cream to begin with. He forced himself to calm a little.
“Look, there's more than enough power to sustain you both at soft light levels for now. If the Archivers were right, we'll be able to run several holograms and make you hard again-” Justin sniggered. Alex winced and continued. “... just as soon as we can salvage some parts. It's feasible, we just need to give Bluey and Holly some extra-”
“Juice!?” Said Justin, with pervacious enthusiasm.
He was starting to feel a bit better about things. If the grumpy engineer was right he might not have to stay soft for all that long, in the meantime he could touch himself, should he need to. AND he'd just remembered that holograms could touch each other.
Which was funny, because Jelena chose that moment to knee him in the joy department for the “trollop” comment.
Bedge stared into the middle distance as Alex's words echoed around his mind.
“... we'll be able to run several holograms... Able to run several holograms... Run several holograms... Several holograms... Several Holograms... SEVERAL HOLOGRAMS...”
“Come on, you pile of rust.” Alex gave him a kick. “We're heading back to the promenade.”
“Yes Marster” said Bedge, fondling the disc in his pocket with rubbery neon fingers, and lumbered after him.