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View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
We have guests...
Posted byPosted: Jul 18, 2012, 3:00am
“Not that I don't jolly well enjoy the presence of your... ecclesiastical friends, but they seem to have caused us a few spots of bother recently. I wondered if it would be time for them to... oh, you know... say toodle pip?”
<end snip>
As much as it loathed me to admit it, the pompus buffon was right. They had helped us, yes, but we was a sitting target. Still, having them as allies at was good idea and didnt want to piss them off.
" are right..we need to let ..." I was interrupted at that point by Seymour.
"Did you just say i was right...can i have this in writing?"
"Do you want to be flushed out with the poop monsters? Shut up...As I was saying..yes you are right in this regards...but we need to be delicate about this...we don't need more enemies now and having friends like this would be handy.. They may even help getting us back to earth."
"Or possibly back to our own time." I tried to keep the amazement from my face. This thought had never occurred to me and yet this gimp had come up with a brilliant plan. I could set the Archivers a new task to keep them occupied and away from us at the same time.
"Hmmm true" i nodded. "Bill!" calling out to the high priest
within 5 seconds he had appeared in a teleporter haze
"Yes oh holy one? Ahh i see the divine jester is with you as well" indicating Seymour.
"I have a new task for you and you crew what I need you to do is..."
My next words were cut off as the sounds of something I never thought hear happened. Turrets firing...
"Holly...what the flying smeg was that??"
"Someone fired the turrets right at the Archivers Catherdral Ship..Which blew up"
Even Seymour looked on with disgust. He May not have liked the Archivers, but firing on them was considered something only riff-raff would do.
Hitting the comms button I sent a ship wide message
"All hands , and Justin,alert! We have a problem. Someone just fired the turrets on the Archiver ship.We need to check for anyone alive in there..Also..We have a saboteur on board!"
<<tag people..A few Archivers have survived but who fired the weapons>>