Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Suddenly Seymour
Posted byPosted: May 22, 2012, 11:24am
Seymour's clipped tones floated down to them from one of the doorways encircling the vast elevator shaft.
"I say, not sure what these buttons do, but they're bally good fun!" The elevator jerked again. “I wonder what this big flashy green one does”
Davie, Gomez and Alex looked at each other, then, as one man, looked up and yelled "NOOO!"
<end snip>
<snip>Seymour jabbed the buttons again until the lift ascended to his level, with three drunk people on. They stumbled out, still drunk and bumped into Phil and Justin who were also looking worse for wear, the alcohol just starting to wear off and hangover setting in.</snip>
Instead of plummeting downwards at an alarming rate as they'd feared, the lift in fact rose gently to Seymour's level.
"Ohh, Seymour. Am I glad to see choo. It was nearly brown pantalones time!"
"Ha ha! Look, it's Seymour!"
The edges of the elevator disc hissed and extended to the edge of the shaft, meaning the sides were now reachable.
Alex, Davie and Gomez exchanged a glance. Aah! That explained a few things.
"But how did we get here?"
"I don't know." Shrugged Davie. "Must've been a good night."
"And where did you get that traffic cone?"
"Like I say, good night." Davie grinned, then regretted doing anything quite so strenuous. His head was now starting to throb harder than a Mancunian nightclub bouncer who'd had his fists set in concrete before napping in the freezer for a week.
"Suddenly Seymouuurr... is standing beside me..." Sang Gomez. Which didn't help Davie's head.
"What happened to you guys?" Alex asked Phil and Justin, shuddering a little at the dried drool on Justin's face. Justin stared.
Before Phil could answer, Seymour gave them the news:
<snip>“Listen chaps, we've got a situation.”... “Jay's set the station on fire, and for some reason, Legion thought it was a good idea to build this place entirely out of combustible materials. His sculptures have already gone up in flames, so I need you all to sober up and help me. I've brought you this coffee.”
He handed a jar of ground coffee to Alex, who looked confused. “Couldn't you put some water in it first?”
“What am I, your bloody slave? Make it yourself!” Seymour snapped.</snip>
Alex knotted his brows, bewildered.
"Huh. Right. So where's the nearest kettle?"
Gomez gaped "THAT'S what you got from that? Not that de station's aflame?"
"Well I wouldn't mind a cup, actually..."
Phil looked at the semi-drunken goons.
"Eat it."
"Eat the coffee. Come on, all of us."
They ate the coffee, Alex quite enjoyed it.
Justin stared.
Davie looked at him. "He all right?"
<snip>“Also I didn't mention the other jolly serious problem, this space station is hurtling through space at an alarming rate towards the Blue Dwarf, and if we don't stop we'll explode. Would you mind awfully solving both of these situations, while I go for a bit of a lay down? Thanks awfully chums.” He said in the most patronising way and turned to leave. </snip>
In shock, Alex spat coffee over the back of Seymour's shirt. Seymour yelped.
Justin stared.
Gomez's expression suggested he'd just sat on a particularly jagged and rusty nail. "¡Qué horror!"
Seymour began to slope away.
"Oh, I don't think so, Nips" Phil grabbed him by the collar.
"He's right, think we're all going to have to pull together on this one." Alex said, a note of concern in his now far more sober voice.
Seymour looked at the hippy-haired lug. They were so dim, what would they do without him.
"You have a point." Seymour boasted "I expect you'll be needing my expertise."
"What expertise?"
Justin finally contributed something to the conversation.
"You've got coffee on your shirt."
Then he went back to staring.
"Er, yes. So... what're we gonna do?"
“I dunno, but I wish Jay was here.”
“Well I'm afraid he's off with his fancy woman, so it's up to you, er, us to sort this out...”