Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Drunk and disorderly
Given the trouble she was having with focussing on anything with both her eyes open, Cass experimentally squeezed one eye shut before trying to reach for her Martini - but misjudged the manoeuvre badly enough to succeed only in knocking her drink over and breaking the glass
"S...Shsssmeg" she slurred, slumping back into her seat and watching the oily gin begin its slide across the glass topped table
They were still in the Moulin Rouge, watching the evening's show in one of the private booths, and although they had sustained a couple of casualties, they were, for the most part, still holding up remarkably well; White Wolf, unaccustomed as he was to alcohol, was still going strong, and was currently doing the "Hamster dance" on the stage along with Legion and a troupe of dancing girls who were clad solely in bead necklaces and ostrich feather fans
Phi was slumped unconscious on the banquet next to Cass, while Davie and Phil had decamped to a nearby table to conduct a loud but incomprehensible drinking game that seemed to involve an array of different coloured spirits and a lot of spilled beer; most of which, Justin seemed to be lying insensibly in, on the floor
Alex and Gomez were both sat opposite her, surrounded by a gaggle of highly attentive girls, one of whom was sat giggling on Gomez' lap, her long, stockinged legs also stretched out across Alex, who in Cass' opinion was completely and utterly spangled on something that she was more than tempted to ask for a hit of
A waitresses appeared with both a cloth to clean up the mess and, thankfully, another Martini, which Cass quickly threw down her throat, on the off-chance she had any further little accidents, and casually tossed the empty glass over her shoulder, before suddenly lurching to her feet, nearly upending the table
"Whe's Jay?" she demanded
"Eh?" Gomez frowned
"Jay?" Cass repeated
"Ay think 'e left wi' Seymo" Alex volunteered in a strange, high pitched voice
Cass blinked
"Ay think 'e left wi' Seymo" Alex repeated, patiently
"Ah!" the penny dropped - Scouse "'Kay 'mm gonna find 'im"
Snatching up a beer that looked like it had been abandoned, Cass stumbled across the room, towards the Cyberpark's control panel and system interface
"Lessse if I can find 'im" she muttered, leaning against the wall for support and, barely able to focus, tapping her way through the menus, looking for the personnel location options
She squinted at the screen
"Password?" she muttered, keying in a random series of digits
"Smeggin' arse tits"
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap – uhhm – taptaptap tap tap tap tap tap tap ...tap tap
"One of ya prime numbers of ya Zeiman sheriesh..." she proudly announced to nobody in particular and hitting submit with a wobbly flourish
"Heh, nev' fails" she grinned, taking a celebratory swig of her beer and clumsily overbalancing, spilling some of it down herself "Smeggin' smeggin' smeg..."
She brushed vaguely at the beer on her top before turning her attentions back to the control panel
Now, where was Jay? - She wanted to be with him...
As she scrolled down through a few more menu options, trying hard to focus and find the location systems, she saw something that made her stop
"Neu...Neulll... Smeg...” she paused and took a breath
Neural collectors?"
Cass frowned for a moment
Even in her drunken state, it all suddenly became clear - The institutes’s systems architecture was childishly simple: A massive array of neural probes, feeding constantly updated telemetric's into an Ai grid, all forming the basis of...
"Legion" she breathed
It was obvious: All she had to do was shut the collectors down, Legion would cease to exist, and the only thing any of them would need to worry about tomorrow would be their hangovers - Brilliant!
Cass felt pleasantly pleased with herself - What could possibly go wrong!?
Squinting up at the screen, she tired to decipher which of the menu options was the correct one
“And just what the smeg do you think you're doing?” Legion hissed, suddenly next to her
Cass started, her eyes suddenly widening with fear
“Nothin'...” she slurred unconvincingly
“I'm going to do what your father should have done you stupid, filthy little whore”
Cass tried to bolt for it, but even as pissed as he was, Legion was horrifyingly fast, and snaked a vise-like hand into her hair, dragging her back to smack her hard into the screen, cracking it and drawing blood from Cass' forehead
“Your mother wanted to die to escape from you” Legion hissed, to her low moans of pain, as he smacked her against the screen again
On the bridge, Jay was concentrating hard on the tricky task of manoeuvring the institute through the millions of kilometres of empty space without hitting anything too big, when a light started flashing on the console in front of him
“What's that?” he asked suspiciously
“It's the comms channel, you dolt” Seymour chided “It might be the 'Dwarf hailing us; answer it and see”
Shrugging, Jay reached forward and activated the link, but the smeary black and red thing that came up on screen was hard to make out until Legion pulled Cass back away from the monitor and into focus, her mouth set in an expression of silent misery and her eyes wide with fear, blood and mascara streaking her cheeks
Legion leaned into the picture
“Quit what you're doing Chrysler, or I'm going to start ripping pretty girl here to pieces”
Everyone - What's your response?