Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Plotty plot plot...
Posted byPosted: May 15, 2012, 1:05pm
Justin thought for a full minute. “Okay we've got a deal. But I don't have the information right now. I can find it though by using Cass's PsiScanner.
He left Legion to find the others. He saw Jay and Cass heading for the Cyberpark like everyone else. He approached her and pointed to the PsiScanner attached to her belt. “You don't need that in there do you? Let me hold it for safe keeping.”
<end snip>
Justin reached out to grab the Psi Scanner, but Jay grabbed him firmly by the wrist, whose hand had gone from holding Cass's to gripping Justin's in a blink.
"I...I wasn't going to try to touch her this time, honest!" Justin protested
"What the smeg are you up to Pancake?" Cass asked "What do you want with my Psi Scanner?"
" I said, safe keeping!" Justin said "You turn your back on it for five seconds and it might get nicked or anything!"
"By who?" Jay snapped still holding Justin's wrist, "Other than deranged holograms that is..."
"I!...." justin started but was interupted by Cass
"Spit it out, before Jay's forced to hurt your girlfriend..." she nodded at his wrist as she said this.
"Legion needs it!" Justin replied quickly, before switching off his hard light mode phasing harmlessly through Jays fist before switching hard-light back on and snatching the Psi Scanner and sprinting away.
Cass went to give chase, but was stopped by Jay, placing his hands softly on her shoulders. "Let him go" he said gently. "We need to catch up to the others and figure out what we're going to do..."
"How do you plot against a madman who knows what we're thinking, before we've even thought it?" Cass mused, as the couple walked toward the rest of the group of Dwarfers.
"We can't fight him" Solvay said, as Jay and Cass caught up "He has all our skills....I don't know many people who would want to go toe-to-toe with Davie or Jay...let alone BOTH of them..."
"Not to mention" Cass said "Any pain we inflict on him would be felt by all of us. And he has all our tolerances combined so wouldn't be affected...."
"And eef heez part Justeen" Gomez said "No madder how SMALL a part, hee'll ENJOY the pain....and seeing as how Justeen's smallest part seems to be the one he thinks weeth...."
"So what DO we do..." Phi asked. "Noone wants to end up a brain in a jar..."
"And even if we DO somehow s Legion" said White Wolf "We still have no shuttle!"
"Never mind the shuttle" said Jay, "This station will have positioning thrusters, if it comes to it, I can use those to manouvere us back to the Dwarf..." Jay smiled widely for a second. "I have an idea...." he said.
Soon, the Dwarfers, minus Justin, where ever he'd gotten too were gathered in Legion's dining room, along with Legion himself.
"I don't understand why you're all being so resistant" Legion said "I only want you all to be happy, I can give you everything you want"
"Everything I want can come with me..." Jay said, shooting a look to Cass as he said this. "But...if you DO keep us here, we'll all die eventually.." Jay said "Even if you take out our brains and keep them alive hooked up to some computer for as long as you can, we'll still die eventually. None of us can live forever...."
He paused for a moment, for effect.
"Except a hologram, he'll live indefinitely. Do you really want to keep us all here, watching us die one by one until your left with no-one but Justin for company?"
<Tag - Does Legion see the logic?>