Re: Harris/White Wolf \'Addressing issues\'

"Nothing whats so ever." Harris told WW. "Now why did you supply
Phil with plans for a time machine?"
White Wolf twitched his whiskers up for a moment in near amusement,
and replied while attempting to stifle a grin. "It should be
obivous, if you really *did* understand what I just told you. Your
bluffing... about two things now... The first, of course, being about
this computer named Jill. You know something more about that computer
than your telling me. Because, I happened to know that particular
computer personality is *NOT* an old version of Holly, Nor is it a
resurrected one. What I scanned of that program's routines, was
enough to tell me that much since I checked into that possibility
too. You probably know I've made a backup Holly here on my vidman.
So I know what a separate computer personality looks like to a scan -
because I engineered Holly 2's personality myself, and spent several
hours hardening his security protocols by running the tons of scans
and attacks against them. That's how I learned to break each and
every one of them. And I'll tell you one thing, this Jill computer
has no where near the security protocols needed to keep me out of it
for much longer, it's only a matter of time before I catch the owner!"
The huge hamster paused as he saw Harris's face twitch for a moment,
and then continued speaking to Harris in the most stern voice Harris
has *ever* heard him use, which sounded like Marine drill Sgt
grilling a cadet for a foul up. "Now, I don't see why I should be
honest with you with what I'm doing with Phil, if you not being
honest with me about this computer named Jill. I'd rather you and I
work as a team that trusts one another. But for all I know, your
intent could be to mess up what Phil & I are trying to fix. So,
unless your going to start trusting me and tell me what you know
about this computer named Jill, I WON'T put *my mission* in
jeoporady! Is that clear Mr. Harris?"

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