Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Posted byPosted: Dec 19, 2011, 10:59am
“We are aware that your customs may differ from ours” the chief said in a more reasoned tone “You may have your vegetables and whatever else you strange creatures require for your sustenance; but first: Those amongst you who count themselves as men must prove themselves as such!”
The assembled Huzard’s all leaped to their feet roaring in delighted anticipation
“Bring the initiation equipment” the chief bellowed, dramatically raising his clawed hands above his head
“Huh” White Wolf smiled around a mouthful of crunchy pig head “I can’t see what the fuss is all about…”
<End Snip>
The Huzards wheeled in a large object, covered by a sheet.
"Thees...." Gomez said "Doesn't look good...."
"Relax" Jay said "Theres not alot they can throw at us that I've not already faced that's worse"
"How can you be so calm?" Solvay asked "We might have to fight to the death or something!"
"Been there, done that..."
Behind them, Cass was resisting the urge to grin smugly, but her amusement soon subsided when she was grabbed roughly by the Huzards and led toward the item.
"Real men sire offspring, Female needed too!" the Huzard cheif exclaimed.
"NOW HANG ON!!" Cass spluttered.
"Men prove they are worthy by making young!"
"You know" said Seymour "I AM a father...."
"And my wife was pregnant when she died..." Jay added
"You don't wanna know how many kid's I've had..." White Wolf also chimed.
Cass struggled against the Huzards grip "I can't believe you're even discussing this!" she yelled "I am NOT having sex with any of you just to prove a point!"
"Sex?" said the Huzard chief "What is"
"Sex..." Jay said "You know, the stuff we need to do to make babies...."
Solvay raised his hand at this point, he glanced over at Cass as he did so before saying "Am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with this?"
Cass shot him a glare that could kill.
The huzards were genuinely confused, but simply shrugged their shoulders and removed the sheet, revealing a large glass tank filled with sand.
"Female lay eggs!" The Huzard cheif said, pointing at the sand. "Males fertilize eggs."
"That's not how we...." Cass began to say, but was interuppted by the tip of a spear poking her throat.
"Female lay" the Huzard cheif said, menacingly. "Female lay eggs, or female die!"
<Tag! If you're gonna stich us up like THAT cass, you can have it right back at ya!>