Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
The HORROR!!!!!!
Posted byPosted: Dec 2, 2011, 4:47pm
As they walked toward the Xpress lift, Jay checked his wrist display. "I'm nearly out of juice..." he said "We need to get to the armory before my weapons drain completely"
"If it's still there" said Cass
"And if it hasn't been taken over by some weird, mutant, super-powered, space Magpies!" Alex said.
Jay shrugged and said simply "It's that or we wait til we all run out of guns. It's not just my ammo that's running low.." he said this as he pointed at the display on Cass's pistol.
"So donde este the nearest weapons locker amigo?" Gomez asked
Jay looked around. "The security office....just through there...." he said as he grabbed the handles of Seymours shopping trolley and ran off toward the Casino, jumping off the ground and placing his feet on the back of it as it scooted forward, as Seymour complained loudly.
The rest of the group ran after him, and they soon found themselves in the main floor of the Casino. It was practically untouched, save for a few gambling chips scattered on the floor, along with the odd deck of cards.
Jay stepped off the back of the trolley and moved between the roulette and blackjack tables, his rifle raised as he edged slowly across the room, Hearing a noise he spun round quickly, aiming at the source of the noise, a one-armed bandit, who's reels were still spinning after apparently still being plugged in for the last 300 millenia.
He relaxed and moved past the last Craps table and through the external doors could see the door to the Promenade's security office. His mind wandered for a second back to his best friend, Phil, former chief of security, now presumably long dead.
"....eeeeeeeeeee...." came a low voice
"You say something Gomez?" Jay said
"Ees not me senor!"
"eeeeeeeeEEEEE!" the voice came again, it was outside
Jay raised his weapon, and Cass did the same. The others took up defensive positions while Seymour dragged his trolley round behind the Poker table and tried to hide.
"No..." Jay said "It can't'T be!"
"EEEEEE!" came the voice again, followed by another, and another all repeating the same noise "EEEEEEeEE!!"
Dozens of figures, shrouded in hoods, none more than three feet tall piled out of the various doors, windows and vents of the security office.
"EEEE!" they chanted "EEEeeEEEeeeEEEEE!"
They caught sight of Cass, and excitedly screamed "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEE!" before lowering their hoods. First rubbing their knees, pelvic thrusting and then charging toward Cass at full speed were an entire colony...
...of Mini-Phils.
<tag! For those who don't know, Mini-phil was the 'clone gone wrong' of the late Phil FeBuggure, a perverted little sicko with only one thing on his mind....>