Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Legless & mindless
Posted byPosted: Nov 20, 2011, 12:56pm
he smashed the device under his foot.
In the hangar bay, his ship shimmered out of existence.
"I'm back" Jay said "And I'm here to stay....."
<end snip>
Who: Seymour, Cassandra & Jay Chrysler
Where: Stasis deck
When: After Jay's ship disappeared
“I'm not sure if that was such a wise move Mr Chrysler.” Seymour said, wheeling closer in his wheelchair. “I'm afraid this ship has been infested with the most horrific parasites and aliens, and Holly has gone quite quite mad. We'll probably have no option but to abandon ship, there's no way I'm showing the Admirals around in this state.”
“Err... Seymour, you do remember we're 3 million years in the future? All the Admirals are long dead.”
“Nonsense!” Seymour bellowed. “I've got a dinner party with the Admirals next week, they're all coming round for a 3 course dinner, then we'll retire to the drawing room with a nice brandy.”
Cass looked at Jay and silently mouthed the words “Stasis sickness”, and tapped the side of her head.
“We're also on the other end of the galaxy.” Jay said. “And this ship is all we've got now, and I'm going to defend it! “Speaking of which...” he tossed a pistol to Cass and pushed Seymour out of the door, into the dirty corridor.
“Oh look how filthy it is!” Seymour whinged. “What will the Admirals say?”
“Shh!” Jay whispered, hearing a creature up above.
The creature was kneeling down, crunching through the bones of a Security officer. “Damn, that must have been one of the 1st teams who came out of stasis.” Cassandra said.
“This won't do. This won't do at all!” Said Seymour from his chair. “Can you tell him to leave please? We don't want riff raff like that in here.”
“Shh!” Jay said again, but it was too late, the creature looked up and roared. It started stepping towards them with lumbering footsteps.
Jay quickly pulled the bazukoid from his back and fired. The blast caught the creature in the chest, but it remained standing.
“Seymour, take this, I'm going to get the grenades.” He said, pointing at a grenade belt laying on the floor under the creature's foot, clearly dropped by one of the dead security officers. He sprinted towards the creature and ducked under it's powerful swipe to collect the explosives.
“Seymour, cover fire!” Jay shouted, sprinting away from the creature.
“What? Me? I don't need to get involved in petty little tasks like this these days. I'm the Managing Director of the JMC now... I...”
“Just shoot!” Jay shouted, as the creature lunged for him once more.
Seymour tutted and fired the bazukoid, not thinking to apply the brakes on his wheelchair. The explosive blast sent him hurtling backwards.
Jay turned and threw a grenade back at the creature, blowing it into tiny gooey pieces which stained the walls and the floor.
From about 10 metres away Seymour shouted to them. “I hope you're going to clean that up, the Admirals are coming next week. I want this place spick and span!”
“Did you lose your mind as well as your legs?” said Jay, and pushed Seymour through the liquified remains.
Cassandra picked up a Psi-Scanner discarded in the corridor and used it to search for Human lifesigns. “Davie's been taken this way.” She said, pointing towards an Xpress lift shaft with a makeshift sign plastered over the door saying “No aDmitTancE tO noNe HuzaRdS”.
“What's a Huzard?” Jay asked.
“Holly mentioned a race of lizards who have evolved into Humanoids.” Cass explained. “He also said they sacrifice Humans, and that he's they're God-King.”
Seymour pressed the button to call the lift and immediately regretted it. The mechanism whirred, and groaned causing a screech that could surely be heard by every one of those monsters on the entire deck. The doors opened, the metal grating as it opened.
“Can we get some oil on these doors, the Admirals wouldn't like it-”
“Shut up about the Admirals!” Jay scolded him and pushed the wheelchair into the lift, which creaked under the weight.
“What's wrong with this lift?” Seymour asked.
“It's 3 million years old, I-” Cassandra said, but stopped when she saw a creature running straight at them from the corridor behind. She quickly pressed the button to close the doors but nothing happened apart from the button sparked, and the lights flickered.
The creature continued running towards them.
<Tag Cassandra or Jay? What happens next? I imagine this lift takes us into the Arboretum or nearby, or does it take us somewhere else? I want to regroup with Davie >