Seymour, Efof, Brittany - Zombies on the planet

Who: Seymour, Efof and Queen Brittany
Where: New Buckinghamshire
When: A while ago
Seymour, Efof and Brittany ran with the rest of the crowd away from the rising level of lava. People who fell behind had their ankled burned in the fiery liquid, became trapped then were burned to a crisp. Seymour turned to see a man's blackened skeleton tumble backwards into the magma.
"This way, run!" Shouted Seymour, running as if his fine wine collection depended on it. But the ground underneath them was starting to shake even more, and it gave way beneath them.
"Back back!" He shouted, forcing them away from the source of the localised earthquake.
"But we can't, the lava!" Brittany screamed.
In front of them the ground erupted and the large drill bit of one of Castillo's machines burst through the rocky floor. It pushed its way upwards, intending to continue through and mine out the entire planet, but it stopped suddenly. The drill span to a slow stop.
"Why did it stop?" Efof asked.
"I'm not staying here to jolly well find out." Seymour said. "The label in my suit said don't wash above 40 degrees, I think that lava's jolly well hotter than that!" Seymour said, squeezing past the machine and running up the tunnel, following the 'Exit' signs.
The others followed and the lava engulfed the machine, which now had its heat shielding disabled.
They climbed a ladder, Efof helping to pull Brittany up with his extra hands. "Are we nearly there yet?" The blue alien asked.
"Another few levels. This place is - " Brittany stopped and screamed as two Zombies with 'H' on their foreheads grabbed her and tried to bite into her neck. Efof quickly punched them both in the face with two clenched fists, knocking them both to the floor where they exploded into blood red pixels before disappearing.
"What on Earth was that?" Said Seymour. "This planet has a worse problem with chavs than Salford!"
Efof bent down to pick up a small light bee. "It's a hologram..."
"Don't touch it you moron!" Seymour said pulling Efof away. Just as he did, the light bee squirted a jet of liquid which caught Brittany in the eye.
"What was that?!" Efof said.
"See!" Seymour said. "Dangerous. Don't just go touching things willy nilly young man!"
Brittany squealed as the liquid soaked into her eye, then she brought her arms up close to her chest, cocked her head to one side and started to drool.
"What on earth is wrong with her?" Said Seymour. "Your majesty, this is not the time to mess about."
"She looks like a... zombie." Efof said.
"Nonsense. It's the hangover finally kicking in. Come on Ma'am the surface is this way."
Brittany started growling, which Seymour knew wasn't normal. Then she opened her mouth and walked towards Seymour.
"It must be some sort of programmed virus." Said Efof. "Don't let her touch you!"
"Oh crumbs." Said Seymour.
<Tag Andy how can we cure Brittany of the zombie virus? Feel free to use Efof and Seymour. Email me if you want to talk ideas>

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