
Who: Micky, Jay, JayneWhen: Just after the last post.Where: Airlock of Blue DwarfJay had managed to use the weapon to push the band of merry men and women across space and towards the nearest airlock on Blue Dwarf. It took him some time to get used to and nearly lost Efof in the process, but he got the hang of it soon enough and had them all safely back on board in no time at all. As soon as the air pressure was balanced, the space suits came off and Jay ordered Hallie, Kaleb and Efof to go and get the new aquaintances some clean clothes and freshened up. With just Jayne and Micky left with him, he leant against the wall and took a deep, calming breath.Micky couldn't tell if the look on Jaynes face was horror or confusion. Probably both."Fifteen years?" She asked again. "But you've only been gone a few months."Micky was sat on
the floor, propped up against the wall. He had an air about him that he was'nt the same immature, no brainer that these guys had last seen. He had crows feet and worry lines. Fifteen years 'trying to get back,' as he put it, had obviously taken its toll.Micky noticed the guys who knew him were looking as though he had aged fifty years, not fifteen. "I looked great until I was dragged into fighting in the Simulant wars." He waved his hand absently through the air. "You'll find out about those in around about a hundred and thirty years. That was the closest I landed to you guys 'till I found the wreckage of the Huddersfield." He looked around him at the pair looking on in disbelief. "Why are you looking at me like that? Holly's run all the scans. It's me!""I - We... know." Jay stood up and started to pace the room, rubbing his chin in thought. "I'ts you, but how do we know it's the same you? You have all your limbs for god's sake! Last
time we saw you, you whirred every time you gave Seymour the finger!""You think I was allowed to go to war against simulants looking like a cyborg myself?! They fixed me up!" Micky lifted the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a large, untidy scar wrapping itself around his arm. "They weren't the best surgeons on the planet, but they made it happen. Grew it from a skin sample taken from my left ear." He turned his head so that everyone could see the slightly mis-shapen ear lobe. "Impressive really how quick they had it grown and sewn. I was fighting within eight days from landing with them.""Landed with them?" Jay asked."Yeh. Landed, transported to, beamed in with, zapped to.... Call it what you like." Micky looked around cautiously, like he was worried he would be 'Landed, transported to, beamed in with, zapped to...' somewhere else. "I can't explain it. It was like I was following you guys everywhere, but just a fraction of a second out of your
timeline every time I slid through another pocket. Like reality itself wanted me to be back where I belonged but kept missing when it pitched me there.""But I left you in the medi-bay. Where did you go from there?" Jay asked."I don't honestly know." It clearly happened a long time ago for Micky, he had to try hard to remember it all. "I went looking for you, but then..." He trailed off, trying to catch a thought. "I was here, but not here. I saw me, but it was some other me, a complete bastard 'cause he dobbed me in and I spent eighteen months in the brigg. A planetary mission with the Canaries put me in some Hymenoptera prison. I can't even guess at how I got there, but it's safe to say they didn't take long in catching me and locking me up." He looked over to Jay, standing near Jayne. "Everywhere I went, I could hear familiar voices, like crew from the 'Dwarf. Whenever I tried calling out to you, I got no answer. Like you were there, but
not really there."Jay looked like he hadn't been listening to any of what Micky had said. "What's a Simulant war?" He asked."The last great struggle against the ever growing simulant population." Micky told him. "It didn't take them long to spread. A few decades and the human race was stuggling to keep control. I dropped in on the main HQ of the 'front line' as they liked to call themselves. It was hardly the front line, but without a doubt the most important base. When I turned up they were a week away from attacking the central core of the simulant empire.....The Simulants were Human kinds most feared foe by the time Micky arrived on the moon of Endorrh [yes, i know!]. His robotic arm made it difficult for him to prove he wasn't himself a Simulant, but somehow, he managed it."Take him down to the medical centre, get The Doctor to sort out that bloody evil limb of his!" The Leader told one of his cronies. "We're just over a week
away from the final push, we need everybody to be completely alert. I don't need him distracting my men!""As you wish, Leader." Micky was bustled away to the medical centre, being told along the way how he had fallen into the most significant battle of the millenium, taking back ground that had been lost to the Simulant empire. All it would take is one swift attack on their ground base powering the force field surrounding their mother ship, which was currently orbiting the moon. "After that," explained the crony, "It's all up to the fighter pilots to land the killing blow."Safe to say, once Micky's arm was attached, he had all of about three hours to get used to it again before being piled into a transporter with nine other dumb-as-hell looking grunts armed to the teeth with weapons Micky only recognized as props from star-trek. He had been given a brief demonstration of their power before being armed with one himself. He wondered to himself
that if they were willing to send him, a guy none of them had known more than a week and with hardly any real battle training, how much did this group of idiots know?The journey took hours. Every now and then Micky heard mines going off, getting more and more frequent as they neared the target, a small but well armoured bunker projecting a shield up to the Simulant mothership."Let me guess," Jay interrupted sarcastically. "It was called a Death Star?!" "No," Micky said back seriously. "It was the the Doom Star. The same shape and size as a small-""Planet." Jay interrupted again. "Yes, we all know the story to Return of the Jedi. Do us all a favour and explain what REALLY happened.""I am!" Micky shot back defensively.. "I know how it sounds, I found it hard to believe myself. But in a hundred and thirty years the Simulants will lift their plan to dominate the universe straight out of Star Wars!""So let me guess," Jay continued.
"You got into the bunker just in time for Groundo Calfallian in the Century Eagle to destroy the Doom Star?!""Well..." Micky muttered. "His name was Ludvig Von-Risian, but yeh, you're about there. You don't believe me do you?!""I'm completely sold Micky! There isn't one scrap of your completely unbelievable story that I don't believe!" He turned to Jayne. "Escort him down to the medi-bay, I want a full brain scan done on him and a complete physical. When that's done, seal him in one of the medical quarters for the night. I've got plenty to be worrying about right now without him bothering me with his crazy stories.""Yes, Captain."Jayne walked along side Micky who put up no resistance at all."The scans will all come back clear, you know." He told her."Probably." Jayne responded. "It's just to check nothings up.""I suspect my quarters have been given away too.""You know this place. We go through crew members like toilet
roll. We have the worst employee turnaround in the universe due to death and missing persons. Micky, you just dissapeared. For all we knew you did a runner to go and..." She trailed off.Micky stopped and looked at her, a slight angry frown set on his forhead. "And what?""I heard the stories.." She told him. Her hand drifted down to her firearm at her side, just incase the temper she'd heard about decided to show up again. Micky saw what she was doing."Grow up." He said and carried on down the corridor to the medi-bay. Jayne was glad no-one had been around just then and turned a slight shade of red. She heard the door to the medi-bay slide open and thought she heard Micky give out a slight yell. This broke her concentration and she dashed to the open door. When she got there, Micky was gone.***"I killed you, you bastard!" Micky screamed through angry, frustrated tears at the gorilla with huge brains stood infront of
him."We couldn't just let you go off jumping around the universe willy-nilly Michael old boy!" It bellowed back. Standing a clear four feet taller than Micky, the Emperor of the Zograth (the powerful decendant of the primates of today, with huge strong bodies and over-sized brains, they are not the ones with whom to mess lightly) petrified him."The timelines were put straight! I was back where I belonged! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BRING ME BACK!" Micky was going a deep shade of red. "This isn't fair." He almost whispered as he dropped his head into his hands and fell to his knees sobbing. "Time put things right.""Time has no power over me!" The Emperor bellowed down some more. "We have lived to the end of time! Where I come from, time is just a mere example of what once was! You may have killed me once, but at every point in time I am still alive! No-one holds more power than I!""Then who keeps pulling me about through time?" Micky looked up
at him through teary eyes. He was so close to being home. So close and this beast had brought him back here. Wherever here was. Micky never really found out. Was it the end of time? Micky's question seemed to shock the Emperor into silence. "You know, don't you?" Micky asked. "You know, and it scares the shit out of you! I spent so long running and fighting and trying to stop one bad race or another I never even took the time to realise!" He pointed up at the Emperor. "Someone wants you dead, and for some reason I still can't fathom, I'm the poor git that has to do it!" He got to his feet as the Emperor let out a primal roar that only the other Zograth seemed to understand. Four apes at least a foot taller than Micky tackled him and pinned him to the floor. The Emperor raised a huge staff above his head. Micky saw the sharp metal-tipped end glint as he brought it down to impale him.Even as he clenched his eyes shut waiting for the stabbing pain,
all he felt was the all too familiar sensation of being crumpled up like paper and bounced around and time space until he unfolded again, four huge Zograth still pinning him down, but chattering amongst themselves in fear. When Micky opened his eyes, he was back in the medi-bay, the Emperor was nowhere to be seen, but the Zograth that had been in his direct vacinity were sucked through the portal too. "What the...?" Micky heard Jayne from the doorway. "You were only gone three seconds!" Micky heard gunshots and felt his face get sprayed with Zograth brains. "You were just born to get in trouble weren't you?!"He stood up among the pile of dead bodies and tried to wipe the bits of skull and brain from his shirt and face. 'Since when did Micky start wearing shirts?!' Jayne thought to herself."Thanks." He said. "And yeah, I actually think I was." Micky checked himself for any injuries while Jaytne looked on in confusion."You were?" She
asked."Possibly. That or I'm just reading too deep into the fact I attract time portals and wormholes wherever I go."Jayne looked around."There's no medical staff around, you'll have to wait here." She turned to walk out. "I'll be locking you in, so you'll be perfectly safe.""You think?" He replied.She stopped and tossed him her gun and a spare magazine."Don't tell anyone I gave you that." She warned him. "If anyone asks, you stole it."Micky thought he saw a cheeky smile at that and wandered off to make himself comfortable on a bed. Jayne realised that he obviously hadn't learned too much about firearm safety as he scratched his head with the business end of the pistol, holding the trigger for more leverage to scratch good and hard."Be safe," she said rolling her eyes and locked him in.<Sorry if I moved anything on a bit quick. Wasn't my intended way of getting back on board, but I saw my chance, and like the
theiving goit I am, I took it :o) Good to be back folks, see you soon!>

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