**Actionette** Mime-Virus "The end of Spidette"
<snip>Jayne and Justin looked at each other. Their entire appearance had now changed, they were both wearing a black and white striped shirt, had a pale face, and wore a beret. Justin started pretending he was trapped in an invisible box, whilst Jayne started pulling on an invisible rope."Oh for god's sake." Said Seymour, slapping his hand to his face.</snip>Spidette was busy crawling through the ventilation system, hoping to get somewhere safe. Unfortunately, the collapse of the promenade took many of them with it, and the ones left were somewhat unstable. Inside her mind, she continued to fight for her sanity, her life and her humanity."If you carry on doing this, they'll kill you, I mean us." Rosette argued, trying to keep herself alive. She didn't know why though, everyone would be better off if she were dead."You've got one thing right. We're not the same person." The bug responded, to which Rosette could only quip "You're not even a person. You're a bug i should be able to squash with a boot.""Ahh, but you can't. I'm stronger than any bug you've ever faced before.""you're right. You are something else. But I've just worked something out." Rosette said, transforming in her mind into an exact copy of the bug. "Now we have the same power." She said. It felt like the bug was starting to take over her part of the mind as she used its power, almost like she had to sacrifice herself to the darkness to find the light.The fought, sending the real world Spidette into a frozen state, sat in a vent shaft above the promenade. As Rosette hit the bug in her mind, the vent was shaken one way, and as she was hit, it shook the other. Jayne, Justin and Seymour looked up to watch it shaking. The two mimes were content with playing with an invisible rope, not noticing what was going on.As Spidette continued swinging in the vent, the metal plating of it buckled and tore, sending Spidette on a one way flight to the ground, which was slightly lower than it used to be. She hit the ground hard, and barely moved for a moment. Seymour watched all of this happen, but since the spider wasn't moving, he didn't run away like a scared little girl, but instead watched."Is it... dead?" He asked. He knew it was Rosette inside, but wasn't sure what to think. On the one hand, she was the only other person on the ship with noble blood as close to royalty as his was, but on the other hand.... she was a violent killing machine.He approached slowly, gulping loudly, he reached down to touch an outstretched leg. As he did so, it sprang up, along with the rest of the spider. Seymour screamed and closed his eyes, ready to accept the fate the world had given him.Seconds later, he opened his eyes. The spider had stopped moving. The two Mimes next to him had created an invisible wall in front of him, treating him like the one that had created them. Seymour looked virtually the same as the Mime-Lord himself.Spidette scratched at the wall, finally piercing through it, taking a chunk out of Jayne's hand as she did so. Jaynes blood looked thick, and black & white to go with the rest of her uniform. As it seeped over Spidette's claw, and in through the many wounds she had suffered... something began to change."I think I've found something more powerful than you." Rosette said within her mind. The Mime virus had already taken over, but the spider was still there on the outside. Inside her mind, Rosette changed from the spider, back to her human form, but skipped the normal pink skin, and turned into a mime."What are you talking about? There is nothing more powerful than me!" The spider roared, sending a spiked leg towards Rosette's head. If it made contact, it would end her rebellion once and for all, giving the spider even more control than it currently had.Rosette raised a hand, and placed it against an invisible wall, blocking the spiders attack. Rosett the Mime looked up silently, and smiled at the spider. With smooth movements, she swung around to the side of the spider, leaving the first invisible wall. As the spider attacked again, it hit yet another wall. With two more movements, she had surrounded it with invisible walls, and began pushing them in, constricting the spiders movement."How the hell are you doing this?" It called, having never experienced a Mime before. It wasn't long before the spider had been compressed into a tiny cube.Rosette tossed it around a bit, throwing it and catching it until the sides softened into a ball. With one final throw, she mimed a baseball bat, hefting the spider into the deep, dark depths of her mind.She sighed a silent sigh, and turned to face her life again."Whats going on?" Seymour asked, watching as Spidette recoiled, and began shaking violently. The creatures scales began to fall off, along with its legs and claws disintegrating. It wasn't long before Rosette stood there, covered from head to toe in white facepaint, wearing a black & white Mime suit and beret.<tag! Spidette is no more!>View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.