Pancake "Merging with Rosette"

Who: Justin Pancake and Mini-Phil
Where: Corridor, Blue Dwarf
When: After last post
The Hymenoptera are the most powerful race in the galaxy. The best, they'll rule the galaxy!"
Justin was jumping up and down like a lunatic now. He picked up a handful of gloopy Hymenoptera slime from Seymour's antique furniture and rubbed it all over his face. "Maybe this will turn me into a Hymenoptera!" he hoped.
Then he ran down the corridor laughing to himself.
<end snip>
Justin tripped and fell over something small, he looked back at what it was and saw the midget pervert Mini-Phil laying there. Mini-Phil sat upright and rubbed his head.
"EeeeeEEEE!" He screamed at Justin.
"Sorry little buddy." Justin said in his most patronising voice. "Do you remember what happened?"
"Well, thing is. Dr Keto gave me this medicine right, some horrible ointment."
"Yes. Yes, I know I should have been suspicious from the start. But I have this real bad pain in my testicles. They got crushed a few weeks ago."
"By a small malicious robot who gave me a wedgie. Wanna look?"
"EEEEEEEEEEE!" The small pervert jumped up and down in happiness.
"Well I'm not going to. Trust me, it's horrible."
"Well Keto gave me this ointment and told me not to drink alcohol because there would be side-effects. Well guess what? I couldn't help myself and I drank a can of lager."
"I'm glad you asked. Well the side effects were that you an me... we.... well we sort of merged into one person. And I was a bit of a screaming pervert for a while."
"Did I get smaller? Maybe a little. But I was a right pervert though! I tried to dry hump this pole dancer. She didn't appreciate it much."
Mini-Phil started getting frisky at the thought of it and rubbed his knees.
"Stop that! Anyway, I wanted you to know that it's not something I'd like to do again. And if we ever enter each other's bodies again...."
Mini-Phil made a funny face.
"...exactly. Lets never speak of it again."
The midget nodded and walked off.
"Yep. There's definately nobody onboard that I'd like to share bodies with." Justin said. Then thought for a moment. "Except.... for a Hymenoptera. Or even a half-Hymenoptera would do..."
The started to hatch a plan, and ran as quickly as he could to the medibay.
Where: Medibay
Who: Justin, Dr Keto, Rosette
When: Short time after. Whilst Seymour, Jay and Efof are in Micky's head
Justin burst through the Medibay doors and walked up to Dr Keto.
"Yo, doc. What's that ointment you gave me earlier?"
"The one for my balls." He said and pointed to his groin as if the good doctor wouldn't know which balls he meant.
"Oh yes... look, there was a mistake last time. I gave you a slightly untested blend. Were there side effects?"
Justin thought about telling him about merging with the perverted short person. "No. None at all. Can I have some more?"
"Look, I'm a little busy right now." Dr Keto pointed to Micky laying on a bio-bed, and Seymour, Efof and the Captain plugged into him via wires in their heads.
"But my balls!" Justin whined. "They hurt!"
Keto sighed. "Okay okay. Here is is!"
He handed over a jar of gloopy ointment.
Justin held it aloft like it was a precious thing. Then walked over to the room where Rosette was laying on a bed. She was sleeping, and a heart rate monitor made sounds every few seconds.
Justin walked over and looked at her. She still had a few Hymenoptera legs sticking out of her back, something that looked odd and unnatural, but Justin thought was incredibly cool.
"Not long now." He said, as he realised his dream, It had been his ambition for months to join the Hymenoptera. He has realised their potential and become in awe of them. Now he realised that he could merge with one.
He poured the ointment all over his body and rubbed it in just like he did before, but this time to excess. It covered him like a film of gunge, and got in his eyes so that he could hardly see.
"Almsot there!" He said to himself. "All I have to do now is touch the other person and we'll become one... half human, half Hymenoptera." Then he thought a moment. "Oh, hangon. Rosette is half-Human, half-Hymentopera, so I'll only be a third Hymenoptera. Bugger." He hesitated. "Oh well."
Then he dived on top of her, expecting their bodies to merge together, just like his and Mini-Phils had done.
He handed directly on top of her. Bruising his head and banging their heads together.
He winced in pain. "Ouch. That didn't work right. Oh bugger, I've forgotten a valuable ingrediant... alcohol."
He tried to slide off her, but the ointment was starting to make him stick to Rosette's chest like glue.
She opened her eyes and for a moment they started directly into each other's confused pupils.
"I can explain." Said Justin.
< Tag Rosette? Are we stuck together for long? >

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