Deans Suggestion

"Ok. Then we find a way to get aboard, and fast. Who knows what damage Holly could do..I WANT SUGGESTIONS, I don't care who from, officers, technicians or even civilians. I just wanna get aboard and find out what the smeg is happening!"
<end mini-snip>
"I have a suggestion!" chirped a voice from a monitor to Jay's left.
"Dean. If you even think the word "toastie" I'll fire you out of an airlock" Jay snapped.
"Hey! give me some credit!" Dean replied, hurt. "I'm not some toastie-crazed maniac! I might have a good idea here! Hear me out before you start dismissing me!"
"You're right" Jay replied "Sorry, let's hear it"
"Ok!" said Dean. "Well, the Dwarf's just a big metal tube right?"
"Essentially, yes" Kochanski piped in from another screen.
"Well, all we need then" Dean said "Is a really REALLY big Can opener!"
"Oh well done Mr Thomas" Doctor Keto murmured from his monitor. "With ideas like that you should be running the universe.."
"Thanks!" replied Dean, missing the sarcasm entirely. "We might have trouble with finding a big enough can opener there an Ikea nearby?"
Jay sighed deeply. "Any suggestions from someone who isn't a moron?" 
"Alright..." said Dean "So it doesn't have to be a can about, one of those key things you find on Sardine cans?"
"Shut up Dean."
<anyone else?>    

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