(Walter Sweetsly) An act of interfering hands

He looked at Rosette purposefully let one of her straps fall into visibility and
then looked at the two revealed bra straps thinking for a moment that maybe it
was going to be his luck day but it was not be as he took in there glares and
threats he thought if he was not carful it could turn be a very bad day for him
very quickly.
<end snip>
Walter Sweetsly then sighed heavily saying in his thick German accent `'sure I
shall help out, I will see what I can do to lend a hand after all there is
nothing that cannot be solved with a little health and safety''
Walter then turns to leave saying `'I shall make my way to the bridge I expect I
shall see the two of you there'', then as soon as he had uttered those words he
swivelled around clicking his heels together and exited the med bay.
On the way to the bridge of the blue dwarf he passed a bar called the parrots
bar and feeling that his duty as the ships safety officer was quite important he
went in and took a look around.
Not seeing anyone around he poured himself a pint and then took a strange
electronic cylinder out of one of his pockets and dipped it into the drink and
measured the alcoholic content. He then found it was above the limit for a
standard JMC Ship, then soon after rummaging around a bit further he even
uncovered some moon shine and decided that as the ships health and safety
officer he had do something about what he had uncovered.
Walter Sweetsly then decides that shall have to confiscate the enter ships
alcohol supply and dispose of it immediately, but then realised that there was
quite a lot of it and that he would not be able to move it all on his own.
So he then hurriedly left the bar returning with a hover cart and several
Skutters and searched around the bar colleting all the alcohol he could find and
then moved on to do the same around the rest of the ship.
Eventually havening searched the ship and securing all the alcohol he could find
he put it all into a unused cargo bay and then pressed a series of buttons on a
nearby control panel jettisoning it all into space.
Then unbeknownst to him the trajectory and path of the alcohol took it towards
an nearby asteroid and collided with it.
Because of the large amount and volume of alcohol involved it was enough to
knock the asteroid off course putting it in between the Plumonater and Blue
So when the Pulmonater fired the energy beam not only took out the asteroid
blowing it to smithereens it also sent a large amount of the Blue Dwarfs
alcoholic complement hurtling through the void of space towards the Blue Dwarf
and splatter along the front of the ship and down the left side of the ship's
hull smearing many of the crew quarters and bridge windows with bear.
<Tag what happens next >

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