RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Seymour + Lester \"Escaping via wormhole\"

Addendum, there's a bit that I was supposed to be put into the post that I can now see I left unfinished. So here's the bit with the top and tail lines of dialogue each side."They protected you from the Fusion Dri- ...oh never mind." Said  Seymour. "I'm just so glad you're fine ma'am."  "Odd isn' it?" Dai was saying to Lester, "how in the name of the Green Valley did three bodies and a bit of timber save Her Majesty when the rest of the Castle is a puddle?" Lester looked puzzled and stunned.  "Not for much longer." The Queen answered Seymour as she pointed out over the  ocean. A second ship was flying towards them, skimming across the  ocean. Beyond Hotmail - see what else you can do with Windows Live Find out more!

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