Annie - "Drop dead Jed" pt3

Who: Jed Calvert and "Annie"
Where: Orbital platform overlooking Earth
When: In The Future (If Jed doesn't die)
The JMC ships started to move. The Red Dwarf moved first, and the
Blue Dwarf came up alongside it, with the other two trailing a bit
behind. Then the Red and Blue Dwarves started shooting at the
SpaceCorps ships. Green pulses of bright energy came out of the
tendrils wrapped around each ship.
</end snip>
"Eh? Whut's goin' on?" Said Jed. "The JMC and the SpaceCorps at war?"
The SpaceCorps fired back, but the green tendrils around each ship
absorbed the energy, stopping any of the SpaceCorps weapons from
hitting the metal hulls.
Jed shrugged. "Not a bad upgrade I suppose." Jed said. "So we develop
that in the future eh? Whut do we call it? Green-weapon-firing-hull-
"No! It's Hymenoptera!" Annie said. "It's a Hymenoptera upgrade." She
turned away from the fighting. "The Hymenoptera have taken over
"I can see that."
"Yes but what' important is the way they did it. There wasn't a big
battle like we've seen so many times before, with a fleet of
spaceships ready to attack Earth, and a counterattack of brave Humans
ready to fight them off... the Hymenoptera didn't want to risk that
this time."
"Walking away from a fight eh? Bunch of pussies."
Annie shrugged. "There would be too much loss of life. The
Hymenoptera want to harvest the natural proteins of planet Earth, and
they want the brains of Humans to put into their ships. You do know
that right?"
"Probably. Someone might have told me, it just hasn't been mentioned
in a while." Jed admitted.
"Okay so their way is much better."
"What did they do?"
"They put a Hymenthrope on every JMC ship in the fleet."
"You mean like..."
"Like YOU yes."
"So it wasn't an accident that I became..."
"Oh."Said Jed. Then he started to think back to when he first became
a Hymenthrope. "I can't really remember how it happened... all I
remember was it was on a moon. About ten years ago. The SCS York had
crashed and I woke up... then... the bodies... the blood... the foul
taste in my mouth...."
Annie nodded in sympathy.
"And you were there!" Jed pointed accusingly.
Annie nodded again. Then realised he was trying to implicate her in
"I didn't have anything to do with it! I was just trying to help you!
Give you hope."
Jed scoffed. "You lied to me, you told me you were an angel!"
Annie grinned. "It's easier than saying I'm a time-travelling half
pan-dimensional being."
"No it's not. You just said it then." Said Jed.
Annie smirked. Then she pointed back to outside. The JMC/Hymenoptera
ships had finished off destroying the SpaceCorps ships. "So you see,
when it came to the big standoff, with hundreds of Human ships ready
to fight the incoming Hymenoptera... the Hymenthrope Captains just
surrendered, allowing the Hymenoptera to win without much of a fight."
"Jeez." Said Jed. "Dead easy really."
Annie nodded.
Jed took a long last look at Earth. The planet wasn't his home, but
he'd been there a few times and understood it's significance to the
entire Human race. "What about..."
Annie expected his question. "New Texas?"
Jed looked round, for a moment forgetting that Annie knew pretty much
everything about his entire history.
"The same." Annie admitted. "Without Earth, pretty much all Human
planets become enslaved by the Hymenoptera."
Jed nodded and then looked at his feet. "But I can stop it right?" He
felt his chest, where the perfectly round hole was cut through him.
Amazingly it hadn't bled, and he hadn't been able to feel it, but he
expected that must be Annie's doing.
Annie nodded. And clicked her fingers.
Jed was back in the room on the Blue Dwarf where he was going to die.
The blue-ray laser was pointing directly through his body, still
frozen in time where they had left it. Jed took a deep sigh, knowing
that he was about to die.
"Last request?" Annie asked.
"Whiskey?" Jed said with a grin. Then to his surprise, Annie
materialised a shot of whiskey into his hand. He downed the lot in
one gulp and belched. Then he winked to Annie, who was just stood
there waiting.
Annie took that as a signal and allowed time to play on as expected.
She watched in slow motion as the laser turned his entire body into
Jed Calvert was finally dead.
<That's it, the definate end of Jed Calvert! And even though this
future won't happen, the same forces are at work that will try and
make it happen. And I can tell you that the Hymenoptera don't work

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