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Who: NikkiWhere: The MedibayWhen: An hour after arriving here*Nikki stared across the room as the young man jumped from the balcony to a watery grave. Her heart was racing as she realised how helpless she was. She felt useless as the room around her began to fade from glorious colour to grey. Why couldn’t she save him, that was her job wasn’t it? To save people? She ran over to the balcony and looked into the darkness that surrounded the ship. Her reflection was so distorted in the water she could barely recognise herself. When she looked up the room had changed to the familiar white walls of the medibay, the crew were all stood round a medibed. She walked over and saw Jed laying there, a gaping hole in his chest. She recoiled in horror as he reached out with his mangled hands ‘I like that in a girl...’ The crew turned to Nikki and stared at her, some in pity, and some in disgust. She began to back off just as the crew began to change, morphing into the TransMed operatives. Nikki quickened her pace but couldn’t take her eyes off the operatives as they backed her into a corner, weapons raised. *Nikki woke up in the medibay in a cold sweat. She sat bolt upright and looked around her just to check she was safe. Nikki remembered what she had found and jumped off the bed and ran out of the door almost knocking Keto off of his feet. As he stood swearing at her Nikki was already in the turbo lift. ‘Drive room, NOW!’ The lift started on its journey when the electrics cut out and the lift froze. The artificial gravity was offline, Nikki floated to the ceiling and around thirty seconds later slammed down onto the cold metal floor. Her wrist snapped back out of its position causing Nikki to let out an animalistic scream of agony. By the time the last 5 minutes of the journey was complete Nikki had managed to drag herself up off of the floor and on to the seat.The captain didn’t know what to think, here was the ships psychiatrist, mascara dried onto her face, her hair was chaotic and her wrist broken. Before she started he story he would have been certain that she’d been attacked. But as she reeled off the events that had occurred only a few hours before his return, he was compelled to believe her. Yet she had no proof. He asked her for names, anything he could check. One name, she didn’t know it yet but that name would be the most important one in her life. Nikki looked up at him, her eyes were so intense. He told her to go back to the medibay, her wrist looked badly broken she turned on her heels and walked out of his office into the drive room and promptly fainted.Choose the perfect PC or mobile phone for you. Click here

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