Seymour - "Jenny from another Dimension"

Seymour put a hand up to his face. They had taken them both, mother
AND daughter. He sat down, he had no-one left. He covered his eyes
and wished none of this had happened.
<end snip>
Who: Ambassador Seymour Niples and Queen Brittany
Where: Windsor Castle
When: Present time
"Oh you poor sweetie, so they were both kidnapped?"
"Yes, it was horrible. I must have just driven around the entire
planet looking for them both." Seymour said.
"So did you ever find them again?"
This was where Seymour looked optimistic. "I found Jennifer."
"Oh goody! Where was she? Are you going to get back together?"
Seymour squirmed uncomfortably. "Well... no... I don't think it's
"But you've had a baby together. Seymour call me old fashioned, but
it's very important that a baby has a loving family to grow up with."
Seymour tugged on his shirt collar. "Yes, of course. I agree."
"All you have to do is watch Jeremy Kyle or Trisha..."
"I agree! Ma'am... but... well... she's..."
"What? She's got another boyfriend?"
"No... it's just that I found out she's not... human. She's not even
from this dimension, she's from some weird other-universe."
"Oh well... A bit of excitement eh? Don't you like the exotic lady?"
The Queen said with a grin.
"This is a bit TOO exotic. I don't think she's even humanoid... she
just puts the appearance of it on while she is around humans."
"Ooh weird." Said Brittany. "Has she shown you what she looks like
"No! And I don't care to find out." Seymour said with certainty.
"But she might be more attractive!"
"She also might be a hideous monster! I don't want that image in my
head whenever I see her and explain to her why I still haven't found
our baby."
Brittany put her hands flat on the table. "So the baby... where is
"At TransMed Pharmaceuticals, weren't you paying any attention!"
Seymour said, then quickly remembered who he was talking
to "'am."
The Queen glared at him. "But why?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe because she's a cross breed with an alien race.
They might think she's powerful or might want to use her to power
some new generator or use her brain to fly a starship or something, I
don't know!"
"So how are you going to get her back?"
Seymour shrugged. "That... was where I need a favour."
The Queen didn't look too happy about this, but was willing to let
him speak at least. "Go on."
"I want to raise an army."
"What?! Seymour that's madness. Do you know how much armies cost
these days?"
"Only a small one!"
"Even small ones!" She said.
Seymour looked down, then up again. "Could I borrow your Royal Guard?"
"Absolutely not!" Brittany, said crossing her arms. "Those brave and
hunky men are my own personal bodyguard."
"But you're not using them at the moment!" Seymour whined. "I saw
them earlier just laying around the garden sunbathing."
"I know." Grinned the Queen. "Aren't they just delicious?"
Seymour cringed.
"Besides, I can't just let you take my own personal army to destroy
some Pharmaceutical company can I? What if they sue me for hundreds
of thousands of dollorpounds?"
"Then you'll... be... slightly inconvenienced?"
"No Seymour, I'm not as rich as you think."
Seymour considered this being the perfect moment to ask for a pay
rise, but thought better of it.
"The answer is no. Not unless you can one hundred percent prove that
this TransMed company... geez... that sounds like one of those
companies that sends out email spam... that they are definitely doing
freaky tests on your baby."
Seymour nodded. "Okay."
< To be continued >

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