Rosette - Experimentation

Rosette sheathed her weapons, and tore the laser rifle from their
still warm, but very dead fingers. Searching through all of their
pockets, she took the keycard and swiped it on the door.
She stepped into the dark staircase below, as the door closed behind her.
The bottom of the short staircase held a door with a small sliver of
light shining through, illuminating the way enough for Rosette to not
fall down the stairs. She stood at it, and pressed her ear up against it.
Nothing but silence... Slowly and cautiously, she opened the door,
still holding the laser rifle in her other hand. She pointed it down
the corridor, then the other way as she left. In the far corner of
the corridor, a camera beeped at her, and began to turn to face her.
The rifle rose ever so slightly, and sent a beam of intense energy
straight through the lens, melting its internal workings. The
flashing light went out, and allowed Rosette to enter the building
She leant against the wall, a look of extreme pain on her face,
fighting to stay upright.
"No! Leave me alone!" she screamed, falling to her knees. The laser
rifle clattered to the floor, her now free hand clutching her
forehead. She wiped the sweat from her face, and stood up again, her
composure returned. Picking up the rifle, she continued on her way.
None of the doors that lined the corridor were opened, until she
reached the fire escape, a set of stairs heading down.
Soon, she emerged from the staircase on a different floor. This one
had thick glass almost all over, three scientists stood huddled around
what looked like a control panel. Rosette didn't hesitate as she
raised the rifle, and fired three shots, taking care of each of them
in turn. Approaching the control panel, a large black and grey
creature slammed into the glass, making her jump away and raise her
weapon. Behind the glass barrier, a human-sized insectoid creature
clawed at the glass, failing to break through.
Rosette stood and watched in horror, as the creature slowed its
movements, and fell backwards. As it hit the ground, the black
carapace cracked, and fell away to reveal a middle-aged man... He lay
unmoving on the ground, the carapace pieces littering the ground
around him. As she approached the control panel that the scientists
were looking at, a heart monitor flat-lined, emitting a constant beep.
Rosette turned to look into the other glass-covered rooms. Each one
housed a different creature. Most of them appeared to be alive, while
several were obviously dead... In the far corner, a young man in a
set of overalls sat on a chair in the middle of the room, as Rosette
approached, he launched himself towards the window, slamming his fists
on it.
"HELP!" he called several times, banging constantly on the glass wall.
Rosette stood and watched him for a moment, cocking her head to one side.
"Explain what is going on here." she said, meaning it to be a demand.
The man stopped banging, and began to explain.
"They told us they had a cure for cancer they wanted to try, but
instead they're turning people into those... those things!" He cried,
looking towards the door to his 'cell'.
"You have to let me out, if you don't, they're going to...." he was
cut short by a green gas filling the room, and a red light
illuminating above the door... Obviously some sort of lock had been
activated to prevent the gas escaping. As it spread through the room,
the man began to cough, before he too changed...
Unlike the others, he didn't turn into a Hymenoptera, he collapsed on
the floor, small patches of exoskeleton appeared on his visible skin,
before he exploded in a shower of bones, blood and guts. Rosette
watched, unfazed by this graphic death, and instead turned to leave
the area of the building. She turned to return to the staircase, as
this floor did not hold her goal.
"Hold it right there!"
Rosette span around, faced by a security guard in a blue suit. A
helmet covered his head, and darkened glass hid his face. She lifted
her rifle, which then fell from her hand as another laser blast
knocked it from her hand. She turned to see where it came from, a
second security guard who was in the process of throwing a grenade...
As soon as it was thrown, the guards turned and fled. Rosette dived
to avoid the grenade, but it detonated as soon as it hit the ground,
flooding the area instantly with a thick green gas...
<To be Continued!>

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