To rescue seymour, or to leave him to his fate, that is the question.

Who: Chris Harris, Dr.Keto, Dante & Wildflower
When: After Dante's last post
Where: The Shellite's planet....still
"Ok, Keto, in the event of a battle scenario any time soon...DON'T do
a smegging thing" said Chris, "Understand?".
Keto winced in emotional agony at the idea of being ordered to do
"I suppose we really ought to go and save Seymour" said Chris, with a
great sigh, and a disappointed look on his face.
"Do we really have to?" replied Keto, asking like a small child would
ask if they REALLY had to go shopping with their Great Aunt Mildrid.
"If we don't go now, we might never see him again" muttered Dante,
"He's a member of the crew, it's our bloody duty unfortunately.
Besides, Jay will kill us if we don't go after him" piped up Chris.
"What about the medical supplies? They need to be delivered to our
hideout. There are some people in serious need of them" retorted
Keto, acting serious as he was determined to avoid helping Seymour.
"That's true" said Dante, "I'm sure we can establish where he's gone
after we get the supplies back".
Unaware to them, while they were discussing this, a Shellite that was
slightly larger than the average sized one, began marching towards
"I'm an undercover police officer working for our government" said
the Shellite, taking the group by surprise.
"Very undercover" muttered Keto, sarcastically.
"What was that?" asked the Police officer, pointing at Keto.
"What was what?" replied Keto, quickly, looking around him as if
something had made an inexplicable noise.
The Shellite was unconvinced but continued as though he did not
care. "We've had some rumours from the local population that there
are *he spat on the floor* foreigners lurking around here in some
sort of hidden base. Don't suppose you know anything about this do
The group stood, silently, looking desperately at each other.
<tag - how are we going to get out of this one?>

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