OOC - Subplots a-plenty!

OOC - Hello everyone!
Past experience has always told me that September is a busy time for a
lot of people with school, exams, college or uni. With this in mind, I
won't be doing a big action plot for a short while, just to let people
sort their stuff out without having to worry about posting. So I won't
be putting your character in bizarre situations that we expect you to
be able to get out of!
Having said that, this doesn't mean there won't be anything going on.
If you aren't preoccupied with school/uni/college, then this perhaps
will be a good chance for you to impress everyone with your subplot.
It occurred to me that we've been quite action-plot-focused lately,
and people haven't had as much chance to do their own creative
subplots. So this is your chance!
I also want to wish Andy Longman good luck for his wedding, which is
very soon. Becca is also quite tied up without any internet in her new
digs. So if you want to talk to a mod urgently then I'm probably the
one most available for the next few weeks.
Have fun with the subplots, let me know if you're stuck for ideas.

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