Io --- home? smegging home.

Tara had packed some of her things for shore leave and was planning to stay with Alota's family after going to Euro Disney with Alota and White Wolf. Tara was queuing up at the shuttle bay to get a shuttle to Earth when she heard the voice nightmares are made of... Mrs Rimmer...
"I've booked you into room 101 at the nearest Hotel to our house so you can stay with ... no sorry near us" Tara turned around screamed, so every one looked at her again and set off at a quick walk in the opposite direction. She heard footsteps running after her so quickly stepped up the pace to a sprint. She ran around Blue Dwarf to the only place she knew well ... the Medi bay. She ran through the double doors of the Medi bay and hid herself behind and half under a scanner bed. Dr Keto was supplying a man with what looked like fish paste so she just shrugged it off as one of his "phases" of medieval medicine. Dr Keto and the new crewmember left and in came a poisonous green cloud and Mrs Rimmer. (what happens next is not pretty so if you are squeamish stop reading now) It all happened so fast if you blinked you would have missed it, Tara stood up knocking the scanner bed over and startling the green cloud which Mrs Rimmer breathed in (hooray) and she fell over barely alive, the green cloud fled into the air duct leaving Tara to maybe leave Mrs Rimmer to die, but just then someone walked in, Tara hoped it was not Major Harris who would blast her out of an air lock without even a court marshal or a warning...
Who is the person?
Is it Major Harris?
Is Mrs Rimmer dead?
Will she die?
Will Tara be blasted out of an air lock?
What will happen about the green poisonous cloud?
<this story is up for grabs to the first person who finishes it (who is not on shore leave!!!)>

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