Eddie Monsoon, Reporting for Duty (Part Two)

The woman eyed him suspiciously, before asking him "Do you have any
other qualifications"
"Well, I did get a Degree in Law through the Open University. Only
got a Second Though" said Eddie, not mentioning he studdied for it
in prison.
"That's lucky, because it seems we only have jobs going in Security
Division. Do you want the job?" said the woman, typing away at her
Eddie thought. Security. Space Corps Security Division was notorious
for its high level of psychosis & suicides. Not a career one would
pick willingly. But, beggars can't be choosers. Especially Eddie.
"Ok, I'll take it." he said after giving it some thought.
<End Snip>
Who: Eddie Monsoon
Where: JMC Blue Dwarf
When: Imediately after snip
"Good" said the woman, printing off some forms and handing them to
Eddie "Fill these out and go join that queue over there" she said,
pointing to a row of skin headed youths. Eddie filled out the forms,
picked up his rucksack, said goodbye to the woman and moved across
the room to the queue. Most of the teens were busy standing about
looking sulky, so he didn't bother engaging them in conversation.
Eventually, a khaki suited officer arrived.
"Good Afternoon gentlemen, I'm Chris Harris, Chief of Security
aboard The Blue Dwarf. For your tour of duty, I will be your
commanding officer. If you'll follow me this way, we will begin your
introduction" he turned, and they followed him down the corridor.
They were eventually led into a room where they were their luggage
was searched for any illegal items before being shepherded into a
long changing room.
"Before being let into the ship's general population, you must
undergo a series of vaccinations against diseases as well as a
number of tests and your memories will be transferred onto disk, in
case of death and need for holographic revival. Also, please get
undressed and put on the white gowns provided" he left the room to
let the new recruits get changed. They changed into their white
surgical gowns and were eventually moved into the other room, where
a row of Medics in white tunics sat. For the next half an hour,
Eddie regretted his decision of signing up, his arm felt numb and
sore from the fifteen injections he had received.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in various tests - hand/eye co-
ordinantion, stamina, intelligence, weaponry and so on. Eventually,
they were frogmarched down to the Hologram Simulation suite where,
one-by-one, they were scanned by the computer and a copy of their
personality was scanned onto Computer disks and filed away. After
this, they were lead back to the changing rooms where they took the
chance to shower and change back into their clothes. They assembled
outside in the corridor when they were done.
"Well Done gentlemen, that completes the test for today. If you'll
follow me, we'll make our way down to stores where you will be
issued your uniform and kit." said Chris, who led them into the
ship's pneumatic subway system and took the Central Line down to
Deck 311 - Stores. They were issued with uniforms, boots and hand
weapons. Finally, with his new items and accessories, he was dropped
off at his quarters.
The room was the standard Crew Quarters for Technicians and Security
Guards - Two bunk beds built into the far wall, two lockers facing
them and a small two seater settee underneath a diamond shape
window, looking out at Mars below. Somehow his reflection was
wearing a wig of what appeared to be silly-string, had a carrot for
a nose and huge popeye style arms.
"Jesus! This space travel malarkey must be getting to me"
He turned around, to go lie down, but discovered there was a dead
man on his bunk.
<To Be Continued>

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